I'd like 10 min alone with the people who did this....

Better to have released them in a school where they could learn someting than at a KFC ...If ya know what I mean?
They probably bought the chickens for
$.25 each at a local egg factory. They were probably going to be made into dog food. So in a way those kids saved the chickens, I wonder what they'll do with them.
I am sorry but that is just too funny!!! But it would have been much funnier had they used 85 roos instead of hens! Much louder, and harder to catch!!!
Kids will be kids. I would not have done it to that scale, maybe 10 hens would have been my limit. They were not hurt and they were fed. They could have gone out and done LOTS worse.

What do you expect from HS kids?
This falls right in there with throwing stink bombs, pulling the fire alarms, making false bomb threats, etc. etc. etc.

Only problem is: these things used to be funny, now they're crimes, some are even felonies.

High School pranks just aren't what they used to be! And we have our "wonderful government" to thank for this.

Probably the only reason they fed them at all is so they would make a bigger mess, just glad that's what they had in mind.

And I too noticed they're not RIR, actually, they look like sex links.
My son goes to a school where it is a tradition to do some sort of big Senior prank. I haven't heard what they are doing this year since he's a senior. In the past they have release crickets in the school, poured bubble juice all over, etc.
These chickens weren't abused in ANY way. They were left inside where it was warm, they had food, and eachother. It was funny. JMO. It's the poo that would worry me more!

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