I'd like 10 min alone with the people who did this....

We girls saran wrapped all the boys toilets!


NOT funny though when they catch you and your parents make you clean the MESS!!

Hind sight....
I'm glad no chickens were hurt, but that was Funny.

Our school was boring, no pranks, we just had "Senior Skip Day" (One day where all of the Seniors would skip school and go to Galveston for the day)
Our senior prank: On Senior ditch day, (do other schools do that?) we closed the gate (only way in and out of the school) and chained and locked it closed. At the end of the day, the entire school was locked in and couldn't leave until something strong enough to cut the chain could be located. No real harm, just an inconvenience...

edit to say, oh geeze, I'm so blind. The post right above me talks about senior skip day!
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Looking back 22 years, I was pretty stupid myself. You live and learn. 17-18 year olds still have a ways to go ! IMO, they have to have a little fun as long as no injuries to any living thing. With all the things teens are doing nowadays, think school should be glad they didn't all decide to come and shoot the place up.
After seeing the clip, I too wondered how the heck they got all those chickens in there. And where they got them from. I have red sex links, and that's what they looked like to me. I thought it was going to be a slaughter story, so glad that wasn't it.
Glad no chickens were injured. But geesh did anyone look at the video? Those birds were in awful shape...look at the flopped over combs and missing feathers and clipped beaks. They look like battery birds, not someones backyard pets. Those aren't RIR's...those are sex-links and like Corey said probably only cost $.25 each.

My point of view, funny, yes...stupid prank yes...but it got those birds a chance to to not be in a cramped cage for a while....so I'm all for it.
Hopefully they will send them to some farm sanctuary and not back to an egg farm.
I'm glad you said this. I was gonna but figured I already started enough trouble
on this post.

Kids do dumb things & test their limitations. It's part of growing up. If they hurt
themselves or someone else than it's a problem.

I have a good friend who is a Dean at a local high school. He told me how one
of the kids took a poop in the middle of the bathroom floor. I started laughing.
He took it very seriously. That kid faced being expelled and had to go for
counseling. The police got involved too.

We are limiting our kids so bad today thanks to political correctness and too much
government control. If we don't let them spread their wings they will never fly,
even if it means taking a poop on someones windshield.
High schoolers all do stupid things, and don't any of you that you didn't! Part of growing up, part of learning there are consquences for your actions. That's what the teen years are all about. these kids will get caught and made to pay for their actions. Hard lesson learned. In the old days it was a few days of detention, now, a felony!!
My brothers let a pig loose in their HS. And that was pretty lame for some of the other things that went on.

PC.....my son had to go to counseling cuz he drew a picture of a man getting stabbed!! He like to draw....all sorts of things. He liked to draw VW cars....he's now a VW technician. Guess it could have gone the other way :eek: lol
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