I'd love to have a hatching buddy?

What are some other autosexing crossbreds?
Crossing a silver roo over a red girl will give you a red sex link and a red boy over a barred girl will give you a black sex link. it really alldepends on genes, by the colors I am referring to I mean the genes not the actual color of the chicken. 2 really good auto sexing crosses are a delaware roo x rhode island red hen, and a rhode island red roo x barred rock hen
If they're hatchery stock birds then heck yeah I agree. I would suggest getting a rooster from a real breeder. they tend to cull out mean roos and don't use them for breeding. I have a welsummer roo and 3 pullets from a breeder in PA and so far they are the most docile chickens I've ever had and I've had a ton of different breeds. just goes to show you get what you pay for I guess

After digging around on this site, I'll never buy a chick from the feed store, ever again. How do they sex them so young?
After digging around on this site, I'll never buy a chick from the feed store, ever again. How do they sex them so young?
Well this is how the hatcheries do it, they wing sex, the boys will have the same size wing pins and and girls different sizes. But in order to do this you have to breed a slow feathering rooster to a fast feathering hen, so hatcheries breeder flocks are all specifically chosen with slow feathering roos over fast feathering hens for the ability to wing sex. you won't be able to just breed a roo and hen at home and be able to wing sex, people tend to think that is the case, I see people selling chicks hatched at home on craigslist as females but they really are selling straight runs because it's not a reliable way to sex unless you are sure your rooster is slow feathering and the hen is fast feathering. this is why I'm leaning toward auto sexing breeds now like rhodebars and welsummers :)
Well this is how the hatcheries do it, they wing sex, the boys will have the same size wing pins and and girls different sizes. But in order to do this you have to breed a slow feathering rooster to a fast feathering hen, so hatcheries breeder flocks are all specifically chosen with slow feathering roos over fast feathering hens for the ability to wing sex. you won't be able to just breed a roo and hen at home and be able to wing sex, people tend to think that is the case, I see people selling chicks hatched at home on craigslist as females but they really are selling straight runs because it's not a reliable way to sex unless you are sure your rooster is slow feathering and the hen is fast feathering. this is why I'm leaning toward auto sexing breeds now like rhodebars and welsummers :)
Well, you're smart because that's a great way to do it! Tell me about your WelSummers? Is their temperament close to a RIR or a Buff Orph?
Well, you're smart because that's a great way to do it! Tell me about your WelSummers? Is their temperament close to a RIR or a Buff Orph?
Definitely not a RIR, I guess you could say more like a buff, really laid back and easy going. but you have to remember mine could also only be so docile because the breeder has culled out any meanies. but for the most part I here good things anout welsummers even from hatchery stock welsummers. mine are bred to the standard so a lot more time and care go into breeding the line I have. the original line is from whitmore farm. they only breed a few breeds, BBS Ameraucanas, BBS marans, Delawares, and Welsummers. they're all bred to the APA standard there and are really good quality stock. Here's a link to their website http://whitmorefarm.com/welsummer
That is exactly what my new baby is ;) Daddy is a Barred Rock and mommy is a RIR. It's all black, with a yellow dot on her head.

Well, I did what I didn't want to do. My Brody is no longer Brody. I've gone out there three times and she's off her last egg. I hope the incubator can save it. It was cold when I picked it up.

It's supposed to hatch anyday.

What happened when you candled?

Definitely not a RIR, I guess you could say more like a buff, really laid back and easy going. but you have to remember mine could also only be so docile because the breeder has culled out any meanies. but for the most part I here good things anout welsummers even from hatchery stock welsummers. mine are bred to the standard so a lot more time and care go into breeding the line I have. the original line is from whitmore farm. they only breed a few breeds, BBS Ameraucanas, BBS marans, Delawares, and Welsummers. they're all bred to the APA standard there and are really good quality stock. Here's a link to their website http://whitmorefarm.com/welsummer

I think it's important to get the best quality birds over quantity. Private breeders are they way to go, IMO. I just wish I had more good breeders local, so I wouldn't have to keep working with these shipped eggs!
What happened when you candled?
I think it's important to get the best quality birds over quantity. Private breeders are they way to go, IMO. I just wish I had more good breeders local, so I wouldn't have to keep working with these shipped eggs!

When I started this, I had no prior experience with raising birds. I wish I had known a lot of what I know now. I will definitely getting eggs/chicks from local and repuable breeders.

Well, I went out there this morning and she was back off the nest, freaking out. I couldn't find the egg anywhere and it was cold. Ugh. I hope I didn't screw up!

It's back in the incubator and has a pip, but I'm unsure when all this took place. I'm praying is not too late.
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What happened when you candled?
I think it's important to get the best quality birds over quantity. Private breeders are they way to go, IMO. I just wish I had more good breeders local, so I wouldn't have to keep working with these shipped eggs!
Ugh I feel your pain. every breeder I have visited in my area doesn't even have a breeding program, they just put a bunch of hatchery birds together and call themselves breeders it bothers me lol. with the exception of 1 or 2 good breeders I have found. last winter i spent $150 on shipped eggs and didn't even get 1 chick to hatch.
People tend to get really upset when I speak the truth when I visit their yards. I had one guy seem like he wanted to kill me after I called him out on selling sexed silkies at 3 days old from his yard. absolutely ridiculous. and alot of people don't know better!!
Ugh I feel your pain. every breeder I have visited in my area doesn't even have a breeding program, they just put a bunch of hatchery birds together and call themselves breeders it bothers me lol. with the exception of 1 or 2 good breeders I have found. last winter i spent $150 on shipped eggs and didn't even get 1 chick to hatch.
Oh no! That's horrible ;(

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