
We are in Coeur d'Alene. Have a "rainbow" laying flock just for fun eggs, but raise Ameraucanas, Silkies, Cream Brabanters, Speckled Sussex and Indian Runner ducks
among other things...Need another Ameraucana roo...have some other breeds of roo I could trade...
Howdy NOnuggets!

Sandpoint here. Sounds like you have a nice flock going there! We are expanding the flock here to 20. Getting 13 more girls in early April! Our Co-op ranch store has 2 days of chick sales happening very soon! On our list are:silver laced wyandottes, RI Reds, golden sexlinks, and barred Plymouth rocks... all good to excellent layers. We want the Girls to pay for themselves, so will be selling a limited amount of eggs, as well as continuing to supply the immediate family here (mom, sister and a brother!) with wholesome fresh eggs. I hope that you enjoy the coming spring! Our 7 Girls sure are enjoying the sun now when it shines! They told me they cant wait for the bugs to show up! Wish we could trade something for a roo, but our coop and run are close to our property line/neighbours- He'd make too much noise! I'm afraid we'd find him a gonner one morning!~ May you and your flock be well!
I just looked it up so I could see where you are. Way up there in the trees I see. It is pretty up there in the summer time. Never been there in the winter.
Hi I live about 10 miles from you over on the Oregon border. What kind of chickens do you have? I have a mixed lot. Mostly Easter Eggers. I love them they are so sweet. a couple of them try to get into the house. LOL

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