Ideal 236???


5 Years
Apr 2, 2014
Haleiwa, HI
Just bought two three week.old pullets and they are ideal 236 anyone owned one? Only info.I can find online is large white eggs, 3-4 lb white hen and good layer, leghorn hybrid.
How many eggs can I expect weekly and behavior of birds.
I have four six qeek old birds who are great in free ranging.
I don't normally have white egg layers. But my BIL bought me 10 of these last Spring. They lay very well, mine free range and I still have all 10 hens. They are not very big bird's and do not lay very big eggs, but they do lay almost daily.
Hey Jenny G

I just got three Ideal 236 pullets, I got some info from the Ideal Hatchery website, that may be a good resource for you ma'am.
There are in Texas.

Good luck!
Here is my ideal 236 pullet. She is 20 weeks old. She should be laying any time now. She's getting very red in the comb and the comb is growing larger! Can't wait! From what I hear u can expect lots of large to x large white eggs from them! Like most production breeds, they are supposed to lay like crazy! I hear some ideal 236 can have black spots on their feathers. Mine is pure white. But she's soo sweet and cute. Hope this helps!

Such a tiny bird! Looks just like mine I think they are called 236 Hybrid and most likely will not get the black spots. I sadly Lost one of my Ideals last Sunday. I took a shower and my two yr old let our Jack Russell out
I am guessing mine ended up as a white leghorn my dog ate one and I adopted two more white leghorn and they all look alike. I love your hen she is beautiful

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