Ideal Hatchery and flock make up?


5 Years
Dec 5, 2017
Northern Middle TN
Hi all,
I am getting ready to place an order for some chicks and have been looking at Ideal hatchery as they allow a price point for shipping instead of a minimum chick number. I am thinking of ordering 2 each of Red Sex Link, Black Sex Link, Gold Sex Link, Buckeye, and Easter Egger for 10 total chicks.

1) Does anyone see any issues with having those breeds together in a mixed flock?
2) Thoughts/concerns, etc. with using Ideal hatchery?

Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Medda
Where are you located? If you live in a colder climate, breeds with a small comb should be what you're getting. If in a hot climate, you should get large combed breeds like Leghorns.
  1. Does anyone see any issues with having those breeds together in a mixed flock?
Where you are located, no problems at all. Since they will be raised together, the main ingredient to having them get along is to have the coop and run big enough. The vast majority of behavioral problems have a lot more to do with them being crowded than breed. All those should take confinement well but the bigger you make the coop and run the easier it will be for you. Don’t worry about those breeds, they should do fine. Worry about room.

2) Thoughts/concerns, etc. with using Ideal hatchery?

I’ve gotten chicks from Ideal before, they were great. I got what I ordered and the chicks arrived healthy. One thing about Ideal to be aware of is that they use packing peanuts. The reason most other hatcheries have minimums is that they want enough chicks in the box to keep each other warm, that’s why some have different minimums at different times of the year. Ideal does not have a minimum number of chicks per order, but they often include some excess males for warmth.

You need to be prepared to open the box and see 15 or 20 chicks when you only ordered 10. You can call Ideal and talk to them about it, tell them that you do not want packing peanuts and see what they say. They may want you to pay extra for insurance or for them to put some heat source in there. I don’t know what they will want to do.

Another option is to get on the Middle Tennessee thread and see if you can find someone in your area that will take any packing peanuts or maybe split the order so you have enough that you won’t need packing peanuts. You can ask Ideal to mark the chicks so you can tell the orders apart. I think they use food color on the forehead to mark them.
Thanks for the replies/suggestions! I am currently planning/getting ready to start the coop build. The plan is for either an 7x8 or 14x8 coop and an attached run. The run will be cattle panels hoop style 8x16.

I will probably do the 8x14 coop/shed and block off a 4x8 section for feed storage, etc. giving the girls about 80 sq feet in the coop itself.

I'm located in a rural area, all farmland and the neighbors around here have roos so it shouldn't be an issue if I do end up with some males. I'm just not sure if I would want to keep and raise them or not.
Thanks! Medda

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