Ideal Poultry: A look inside the hatchery!

What did I say . . . Crammed with no natural lighting, no natural air, no natural foods. . . In fact if you notice, the photo was taken with a flash. It's that dim in there? Also notice how many hens there have bare and sore rear ends. Not their backs, but around the actual vent.

(photo from the site)

So if Ideal breeds to the standard, can their chickens be used to breed with? I would be interested in seeing pictures of Ideal's breeders for RIR's, Buff Orpingtons and Amerucanas if that would be possible. Thanks!

Ideal does not breed to the standard though
In fact they don't even have real Ameraucanas. . . No hatchery does.

I don't think one could ever breed back to the standard using only hatchery stock with common, popular breeds like Orpingtons, Rocks, Reds, etc. Those breeds in particular have been in such high demand for so long that they're the farthest from the standard.​

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