Ideal Poultry

aww Those babies are so cute and look at those red peanuts. I love baby chicks. So glad you both got them ok . I am thinking of getting more silkie chicks. I know someone smack some sense in me now lol. Farm store is getting in polish and silkies the 14th. I will wait that way I can pick out which I want.They have white polish coming in and I have never seen any of those. This time they are getting them from cackle hatchery. I will have to sneak them in while my hubby is gone that day lol. so glad he doesn't know just how many I have so a few more he won't even notice.
Got my know whats great? all of my d'uccle replacments died exept one little mille fleur. I got 12 peanut packers. they were black sex-links! VERY cute! i'll post pics some time oh and sorry on the mix little mille pepper looks like your babies
I got my order of chicks, ducklings, and goslings from Ideal on Thursday, shipped out on Wednesday. Not bad for shipping from Texas to Maryland! Everyone of my chicks was alert and healthy. Well one only had one eye, but she is eating and drinking fine, just wasn't born with one eye. They did short me a few silkies, but they are shipping my replacements next week, along with a few extras I just had to have . In the order there was 20 silkies, 26 mixed large breed chicks, 2 ducklings, and 2 goslings. They didn't send any extras at all. Next week they are sending out my 5 silkies they forgot, 3 grey silkies (only color I didn't get in my order), 3 modern games, 2 mallards, and 1 buff rock to replace the one eyed one.
I got my order of chicks, ducklings, and goslings from Ideal on Thursday, shipped out on Wednesday. Not bad for shipping from Texas to Maryland! Everyone of my chicks was alert and healthy. Well one only had one eye, but she is eating and drinking fine, just wasn't born with one eye. They did short me a few silkies, but they are shipping my replacements next week, along with a few extras I just had to have . In the order there was 20 silkies, 26 mixed large breed chicks, 2 ducklings, and 2 goslings. They didn't send any extras at all. Next week they are sending out my 5 silkies they forgot, 3 grey silkies (only color I didn't get in my order), 3 modern games, 2 mallards, and 1 buff rock to replace the one eyed one.

awww look at those ducklings, so darn adorable.
Is anyone else having a problem with failure to thrive babies from ideal??? I was having great luck with Ideal birds and it all went down-hill! My last order was 30 rare breed pullet specials! Within 4 days I had lost 19 birds! They sent the replacements! They are 2 weeks old now and I have lost one every day for the last 4 days! Seems odd at 2 weeks old! The ones that die are very thin like they are not eating! The others in the shipment have doubled in size but they have not! Right at the end they are weak, closed eyes, gasping for air and pooping green! Minutes later they are dead! I know it's not me or my brooders because I hatch 12-14 of my own eggs every week and now have about 80 of them! None ever die after hatch! NOT ONE! The only babies that ever die are from these last 2 batches from Ideal! AM I THE ONLY ONE?????????
Is anyone else having a problem with failure to thrive babies from ideal??? I was having great luck with Ideal birds and it all went down-hill! My last order was 30 rare breed pullet specials! Within 4 days I had lost 19 birds! They sent the replacements! They are 2 weeks old now and I have lost one every day for the last 4 days! Seems odd at 2 weeks old! The ones that die are very thin like they are not eating! The others in the shipment have doubled in size but they have not! Right at the end they are weak, closed eyes, gasping for air and pooping green! Minutes later they are dead! I know it's not me or my brooders because I hatch 12-14 of my own eggs every week and now have about 80 of them! None ever die after hatch! NOT ONE! The only babies that ever die are from these last 2 batches from Ideal! AM I THE ONLY ONE?????????

did you put the ideal chicks in with your chicks you hatched? If so then it is possible your chickens are carriers of something and possible you carried the virus in from your clothes shoes things like that. I am not saying that's what happened. Just thinking of what could be happening. other than that I have no clue. I only lost 7 the first batch and the rest are doing great. My replacements I have lost none and they are doing great. fat and healthy.
I have the ideal chicks in my spare room and I change clothes and take my shoes off and wash my hands before I go in the room with the ideal chicks.
the eggs you hatched are they yours or did you get them from someone else? some diseases or viruses can live in the egg then the chick is a carrier of the disease.I wish I could help but that is the only thing I can think of. I even bought 4 millies from the farm store and put them in with my ideal chicks and they are just fine.
My dd got a shipment from Ideal. 7 of 14 died, replacement came and 4 of 7 died. They were separate from all other birds, in their own sterile brooder. I did notice that the ones that died were smaller than bantam chicks at hatch and they were all large fowl breeds.
OMG the whole thin gasping for air was happening to me with my chicks!It was like 2 every day! The peanputs have all thrived so here are some pics of the new ones with the older ones Can you see little Pepper in the sea of black???

From left to right...Effie(Buff Columbia), Pepper(Mille Fleur), and Peaches(Golden Neck)

Never had any issues with sick chicks from Ideal.

If you had other chicks from other sources, it could be due to the immunity that they pass down to the Ideal chicks, thus, making them sick. Something has happened there and it's the luck of the draw if you had carriers or not. If it does not happen now, it probably would happen later.

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