Ideal Poultry's Rare Breed Special - PICTURES!

MPC is having a sale. 25 female chick assortment of heavy breeds for $47.50 including shipping. I'm so tempted to get it but the coop I'm building will only house 13 at most. Anyone near northern VA want to split an order?
I just picked up the most gorgeous assortment of chicks! There are at least 7-8 different breeds/varieties. I'm letting them eat and drink now while I attempt to ID some of them.

However, apparently EEs are considered rare breeds.
The rest really look like rare breed chicks.

Left side of the box - sorry they are clumped up, they were a little chilly.

Right side of the box

These I ordered came from Ideal. Another person was talking about some other chicks they ordered from Meyer.

I have posted a breakdown of all of the chicks that they sent HERE .
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I order the standard breeds @ $.85 and received the rare breeds . . . It was itemized on my invoice everything they shipped me (Iowa Blues, Egyptian Fayoumis, Red Leghorns, Kraienkoppes, Buff Rocks).

Here's a picture
Update: After caring for these chicks since Friday, I lost 2 on Saturday that were very weak from the start. The rest of the chicks were dead by Sunday morning. I contacted Ideal yesterday so I'm hoping to hear back from them for advice on what could have went wrong.

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