Ideas Needed: hanging a feed bowl


11 Years
Dec 17, 2012
Texas Hill Country
One of my Meyer Hatchery girls, Blanche, now 11 weeks old, has developed what I consider a "moderate" crossbeak :( As such, I'd like to purchase/make a deep-dish feeder that can hang underneath the coop. I plan to put "chook mash" in this feeder, twice daily. I add cool water to the crumbles to make a porridge. This will NOT be a fermented feed situation-- not on my playlist.

Fire ants are always present, except for winter months, so I hang feeders, unless I'm giving the a.m. and p.m. "treat plate", which I remove after barn chores. I'd want something that is non-breakable, balanced while hanging and hopefully a system where I can change out the pan or bowl to clean while leaving the hanging part.

I've already added some deep watering dishes in the run for Blanche to access in addition to the standard chicken water founts.

Any ideas for DIY or store bought hanging feeders for "chook mash" would be appreciated!
Blanche is a lucky girl!

What about a bowl hung like this:

You could unhook the bowl if you use s-hooks or even put a bowl in the bowl (if that makes any sense).
Oooh, n-i-c-e! That's what I'd envisioned. The bowl-in-a-bowl idea would be great for cleaning purposes. Just swap out the dirty and replace with new mash! Easier than taking down the entire hanging setup. Is that for plants or decorative?
Oooh, n-i-c-e! That's what I'd envisioned. The bowl-in-a-bowl idea would be great for cleaning purposes. Just swap out the dirty and replace with new mash! Easier than taking down the entire hanging setup. Is that for plants or decorative?
This is just a pic I found on the interwebs - lol! But it's gorgeous, isn't it?

I would maybe get stainless steel or even plastic bowl and drill some holes.

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