Identify my Meyer "Meal Maker"


7 Years
Dec 23, 2012
Hello! I'm hoping you can help me identify my "meal maker" chick from Meyer Hatchery.

I got two black chicks...I'm pretty sure this one is the Sumatra I ordered:

But I don't know what this one is:

It is the same size as the Sumatra and my Polish chick (whereas my Americana, Wyandotte, and Lavender Orpington are slightly bigger) and has a single comb. Any way to identify it now or do I have to wait until it is bigger?
Guessing Black Australorp. However, a lot of black breeds look the same as chicks, so you won't know for sure until it is older.
Well, that's what my little flock australorps, so I tend to be one-sided towards them! But you'll find they are very docile, good with children, lay light brown eggs, do tend to get broody however. They are very good in cold climates, too.

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