Identifying silkie chicks


11 Years
Jul 31, 2008
Yuma, Arizona
My feed store has a selection of "assorted bantams" for sale. My mom is talking about getting a silkie or two for her flock, and I was wondering if it would be possible to tell from the chicks for sale which ones (if any) are silkies. I'm not familiar with banties at all, but I'd prefer to pick up one or two from the store than order a whole bunch. Any tips?
look for little "knots" on the top of the head these will be the crest, look for the feathered legs, and the 2 big give aways are the 5 toes and black skin, these may or may not have a beard

so look for crest, 5 toes, feathered legs, and black skin (legs will be black as well)
Here are some silkie chicks...
Tip: Look for black skin. That's the easiest way to tell. 5 toes, feathered legs, black skin. :)

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