Idiot needs help with BROODY hen---UPADATE Page 3


10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
Calvert County, MD
I have a hen that seems to have gone broody with the golfballs in the nesting box. Sooooooooo, here are my dumb questions.
1- If I remove the golfballs, will she stop?
2- By me removing her from the nest everytime I can, will this break her broodiness?
3- If I leave her to be broody, will the golfballs hatch?
4- Can I now use her (since I dont own a bator) to hatch out some of the other girls eggs? (if yes, then I have a whole other set of questions)
5- (A)If yes to # 4, should I remove all the golfballs and leave only eggs? (B) can I use the previously collected eggs that are now in the fridge?
Thanks in advance, more dumb questions to come, I'm sure.
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OH, just a tidbit of background info-

Shes aprox a 23 weekold B/B Rock. The "daddy" is a black Orp. Not all of my other girls are laying as of yet. Just my Rocks. Hope this helps.
Would the Black Orp. roo over the Blue/black Rock be bad? I also have a Bared Rock that is laying SUPER dark eggs, much darker than her sisters. Would that cross be bad too?
I love #3...if that works I want to buy some of them eggs
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Could your "Barred Rock" that lays the very dark eggs possibly be a Cuckoo Maran? They look similar.

Eggs from the fridge won't grow chicks. You can absolutely collect fresh ones from the other girls to put under her, though. You can save them up over the course of a few days - just don't refrigerate them first.

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