So, exactly 3 weeks ago one of my buff orpington hens vanished. No feathers. Other chickens were undisturbed and had no change in laying pattern. They didn't act like there had been an attack or anything. I came to the conclusion that a coyote must have snagged her while I was at work and while I told myself not to get my hopes up that maybe she'd gone broody on a hidden nest... Now that the eggs should be hatching I've admitted to myself that I did, in fact hold out hope that's what happened. I've kept food and water available for her outside the run (I stopped letting the others free range when I'm not home, so she wouldn't have been able to get food and water from in the run). She was a special hen to me, who started as a runt and made her way to lead hen. She's actually the only hen who I've ever named. Anyway, the question is: If she disappeared to hatch a hidden nest 3 weeks ago, how long before they'd show up? I want to know when I can officially accept that she's not coming back. I should add that the eggs would be fertile. Thanks