If it was me...


Sussex Monarch
11 Years
Mar 27, 2008
I was reading this and wondered if i could get through it or any disaster...
I have in Jan - feb, 2002 we where hit by a ice storm that had us without power for almost a week.This was before I had the wood stove,thats why I have one now.
I have never been so cold in my life,but one good thing we had propane to cook with and help heat a small part of the house a little.But with everything covered in Ice driving was dangerouse untill it was all cleaned up.So water pipes froze to....
Now I usally keep 2 weeks to a months worth of food in my house at any givin time.

Anyway my thoughts are with all them down there in the hurrican damaged areas.
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Our son-in-law's parents are in the Angelina forest area. They are being told it will be at least 6 weeks before they have power again. They aren't usually effected by hurricanes, so the extended family always gathers there from Houston, Beaumont, Galveston, Orange, Lake Charles, New Orleans and Port Arthur. So they had 30 people at their place, including my daughter and grandkids, who were visiting when they heard Ike was headed their way. Luckily, no one was injured or killed during the storm at their place. However, the 2nd floor of their house is now roofless in areas. They have been using the generator and some passive solar power. The insurance inspector said he might be able to get to them by this week-end.

Our daughter, sil and the grands are in Houston County. They just purchased their place, and hadn't even moved in yet, but the previous owners had moved out. They are being told power should be on "soon". They lost a couple fruit or nut trees in the back of the property, but luckily no damage to house or outbuildings.

I thought some of the saddest news I read was of the 10 year old boy in Montgomery County who was killed when a tree his dad was trimming before the storm (to prevent damage to the house) fell on the son and killed him. What that family is going through, I can only imagine.

Here in NE Ohio we got the 65 to 70 mph winds and heavy rain, but no real damage. Although I have heard that some in our area are just getting their power back on today.

It makes us feel really blessed and we say prayers for those who were hit hardest.

edited for spelling.
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