If the air cell moves freely, is the egg bad?


12 Years
Mar 30, 2007
Belleville, Kansas
I do believe an egg is bad, from what I have read.

Candled one of a friend that gave me some turken/silkie eggs to hatch. I think most really got rough handling in shipping, and I think a few cracked in the egg turner, the shells were pretty thin (maybe due to the excessive heat?).

Anyhow, I candled 3 of them tonite, one looked good, one had a hairline crack that I didnt see until tonite, and it looked clear, and one had an air cell that moved all over the place as I moved it. Wouldnt have seen this, except the air cell was in wrong place, at the top of the egg when I was holding it sideways, so I moved it carefully around and air cell always moved to the top of the egg.
This means its bad, right?
Also, hairline crack will kill an egg as well, ? It was only about day 9 but it looked a little different than the good one.
First time candler here, I mean with this batch. Hate to throw anything away yet until I know more.

Thanks in advance

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I am no expert by any means but from what I understand if you don't see at least blood vessels at this stage that means the eggs are bad. I could be wrong though:/
Ones with hairline cracks do some times pull through. A little wax will seal it up if it hasn't lost too much fluid.

The one with the air cell floating is definately a goner. It means the menbrane between the fluid and air sac broke.

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