If you could have ANY kind of livestock....

Hey, fish can be considered livestock.
Aquariums would just be fish farming of a different sort!
Heck yeah fish!

I'd love to somehow contrive a giant circular pond with room for trout, pike or arowana.

Edit: Or MONSTER catfish!
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wow thats one crazy stocked koi pond, lovely!!!

we have 4 koi and a veriety of comets, shubbies and sarrassas in our pond, i wont butterfly koi too!
i LOVE fishies, i have cichlids too, id love to have a huge tank filled with african cichlids, kind of like they do in some zoos in their hippo tanks!
and a 200 gallon salt water tank too! ooo and jellyfish and lionfish tanks...

yup add those to my own personal zoo.
I'd love to configure a giant jellyfish tank. Maybe have a room devoted to it. So like, a huge cylindrical tank that reaches ceiling to floor that takes up a nice portion of the room, with couches and reclining chairs around it, and a little table or two. Dimming lights. That would be boss.

What kind of cichlids do you have?

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