If you could meet one BYC member in person, who would it be?

Oh! I would also lile to meet @Bakbuk @Overo Mare and @-Flash-
I would meet Kermit, big bird, Elmo and cookie monster!
Yup, can't just pick one. We need a union! Can't be a REunion if we haven't met yet, right? So ...
Top educators @Wyorp Rock,
Then, of course the one and only
@Granny Hatchet and her whole crew including but not limited to
@h2oratt ,
A whole slew of younguns I've become friends with, like
and others too numerous to mention,
Then of course Admin:
@Nifty-Chicken and
@oldhenlikesdogs .... and
Can't miss folks like @Overo Mare and @The Moonshiner and @Shadrach and @centrarchid and ...
Well... everybody, really! :confused::frow:love
ETA Sorry, @Wyorp Rock, hit wrong key and inserted angry face instead of "@" key! Stupid arthritis plus not paying attention, ugh! 😔
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Yup, can't just pick one. We need a union! Can't be a REunion if we haven't met yet, right? So ...
Top educators:mad:Wyorp Rock,
Then, of course the one and only
@Granny Hatchet and her whole crew including but not limited to
@h2oratt ,
A whole slew of younguns I've become friends with, like
and others too numerous to mention,
Then of course Admin:
@Nifty-Chicken and
@oldhenlikesdogs .... and
Can't miss folks like @Overo Mare and @The Moonshiner and @Shadrach and @centrarchid and ...
Well... everybody, really! :confused::frow:love
I’m honored to be considered a youngun :lau :love cause I feel ooooooolldddddd 🤣🤣🤣
Yasss, I'm going to go re-read it now 👍

You guys are too kind! The absolute irony of your timing................. I am heading to TSC today to buy two chicks because I have a Broody I can't break! SOOOO what better thing to break her with than CHICKS?!?! I mean... nature and all, right?!

Those two chicks definitely do not count towards my flock total because I am simply doing what Mother Nature says is the right thing to do. And who am I to argue with Mother Nature or Mother Hen for that matter?!?!?

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