If you could meet one BYC member in person, who would it be?

There just needs to be a BYC- con and everyone brings their best chicken. šŸ¤£
Heck no -- I'm bringing Spook. @Overo Mare would probably be most disappointed in me if I didn't bring the King of Dumb.
Guys what if we don't know the BYC's member's real name though? Won't that be really awkward? Like it's gonna sound something like this

Hey it's nice to meet you Bean!

What's up KingB it's nice to finally meet you!

Bakbuk! Yay! I can finally see what you look like!

Fluffy Lambs?!? OMGGG I hope we can be besties IRL too!
šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø Stealth Sneeze here.
I would like to meet the Grannylanders.
As well as @JustBabyMargo @Little Baby Bean @TheOddOneOut @EmmaRainboe @Rhodebar Lover the list goes onā€¦

If it were down to oneā€¦..:idunno
Thanks so much! I was just going through some old tags and noticed this one. There are many people on here that would be so great to meet with and learn so much from. I do have to love the ambiguity of BYC though. It's very cool to be just known as a username and the quality of what you post! There aren't many other "social media" websites/apps that allow this so well. As a college sorority girl, I don't particularly think my breed/gender advice would be listened to as readily without the guise of a username! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøVery neat to have a community whose age/gender/demographic truly don't matter, just the love for a common subject and I am very thankful for it! ā˜ŗļø

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