if you get offended by the truth then don't ask lol

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I try to resist answers questions about quality or stuff like that now, as I got very bad reactions form people on here in the past. I don't understand why people ask for advise or opinions if they don't want to hear the truth.

I always replied politely and was careful to avoid hurting people feelings, and also added positive things to make their situation or birds better.

One example was a guy showing his Japanese bantams off and saying how they won best in show and do we like them. Well they were clearly mix breed birds with very long legs and completely the wrong shape. I replied that they had quite long lets and about the shape, but I said they looked lovely birds and very healthy. Well he started ranting on and on and other people replied and he would not accept any criticism of his birds - and then he even started his own thread about them as he did not like the responses on the original one!
I wouldn't feel comfortable even calling them pet quality BOs. I'd feel like a big fat liar!
buff egg layers lol
The problem is that there are a lot of 12 year olds and under on this site. They bring a lot of drama sometimes. Someone asked about home school once, and I swear that I could hear the tears over my computer... they did not like my answer.
Well, I don't dissagree, to a point, but I usually can avoid the teen age threads. After a few years of being a member here, I can just about pick out the drama threads by name of OP, and they are not all youngsters.

As for the offense taken because of an opinion solicited and freely given. Don't ask if you don't want to hear my opinion.
I have to say, there is a difference between an opinion that is blunt and to the point, and just being callous. So far I haven't run into that much here, and I have been guilty of hurting feelings without meaning to myself.
I have to say, there is a difference between an opinion that is blunt and to the point, and just being callous. So far I haven't run into that much here, and I have been guilty of hurting feelings without meaning to myself.

Kristy, as you know my answers/suggestions sometimes may appear blunt and perhaps callous - blame it on the German portion of my heritage? Upon occasion people have reacted negatively (even got points once
), but my intentions have been good. Generally taking the discussion/disagreement/over reaction off forum via PM has led to a peaceful resolution.

I do agree with hdowden that don't ask the question unless you are prepared to deal with all answers. Everyone has an opinion - not all are correct.
part of it is that the written word is much harder to decipher emotion.
and, yes, people will often post to get confirmation of what they already believe to be true. People then react strongly to being told (feeling they are being told) that they are wrong. So instead of taking it in the spirit it was intended, they view it as a personal attack
Kristy, as you know my answers/suggestions sometimes may appear blunt and perhaps callous - blame it on the German portion of my heritage? Upon occasion people have reacted negatively (even got points once
), but my intentions have been good. Generally taking the discussion/disagreement/over reaction off forum via PM has led to a peaceful resolution.

I do agree with hdowden that don't ask the question unless you are prepared to deal with all answers. Everyone has an opinion - not all are correct.
good point
Some, like me think outloud sometimes and will type a thought without saying "just thinkin' outloud here" and it usually is taken wrong by at least one person because of the inability to decipher emotions... keeping this in mind helps me not to overreact... usually...

I have a freind that takes everything I say seriously and I constantly have to remind her I am joking.
Oh crap,... there will ALWAYS be someone that gets their panties in a bunch.
You cant change them... just move on.
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