If you have a really bad Roo......


14 Years
May 1, 2010
Hastings, MI
I was just wondering how bad or hard it really is to defeather and gut a chicken for stew or soup. I have this monster Roo that I can't take anymore, I have him posted on Craigslist for free hoping someone will take him off my hands. I even have a sign at my local post office, and no takers!! With spring coming the kids want to go outside more and the chicks want to go outside more, but that stupid roo attacks my son ALL the time, Every time he sees him, so he, the roo, has got to go. I just really really don't want to have to go through all that mess with cleaning the bird if I don't have to.

I would never do this, but my Mom suggested that I drive down a country road and drop him off somewhere, like people do to dogs. LOL Sounds funny but I would hate for a predator to get him. But with my luck he's find his way home to torment me some more.
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Doesn't sound funny at all-better to butcher and eat him than to have him wandering around lost and confused and as bait for predators.
Sometimes you do what you have to do.
Get a pot big enough to hold him, like a turkey fryer pot. Fill it about 3/4 full and heat to almost boiling. Wring his neck, dunk him up to his neck and the feathers will strip off very easy. The gutting is fairly straight forward, cut a slit under his tail from side to side and dig it out. He is ready after you cut it up. Minus feet and head of course.
I guess I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and do it!!! YUCK!! But I feel like I can put this off no longer, Darn!!!
I will be butchering some this spring. Check out the Meat threads. You can research some helpful information there.
Also, I think it is the November 2010 issue, Backyard Poultry magazine has a step by step article in it with pictures on each step. Very helpful if you can get a copy. Check out their website.
I am at work now so I cannot grab the mag. I also bought a book on butchering for livestock n poultry.

Sorry you are having such a bad exp. One thing for sure bet he will taste sooo good.
Yeah, he's a roo destined for the pot. Sorry for the bad rooster experience, but hey, there are a lot of great chicken recipes out there.

By the way, there's a number websites devoted entirely to butchering your own chickens. My grandfather (who's an old butcher and raised meat chickens) recommended you give it a google search.
Thanks everybody!!! You have definitly given me some great advice, I'm off to do research. I've decided that if it does not rain tomorrow, that will be the DAY. Bye Bye Buck!!! I may try roasting him seeing as he's only 11 months old, shouldn't be too tough yet right??
Who does that to dogs? People REALLY do that? Seriously? I remember my dad joking about it when I was a kid but can't believe anyone really, ACTUALLY does that. How do people sleep with themselves at night??? That makes me want to vomit.

I feel a little sick to my stomach now.
Who does that to dogs? People REALLY do that? Seriously? I remember my dad joking about it when I was a kid but can't believe anyone really, ACTUALLY does that. How do people sleep with themselves at night??? That makes me want to vomit.

I feel a little sick to my stomach now.

It happens all the time, my mum works at a vet clinic and there always tracing dogs through old files or microchips back to people who ditched them on country roads. I've also seen it done with cats, chickens, parrots, a peacock, rabbits, and even a horse once.

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