If you have owned sex links I want your opinion

Yes, they like to peck snow off your boots.

Very sweet otherwise, I have 12 golden comets and they were hand reared, had them at less than 12 hours from hatch.
All can be handled, and the only time I have been pecked is when reaching under my broody.
They are good with each other, keeping in mind they have 15 sq ft each indoors and more outdoors.
Mine were more prone to peck at me when they got to around 3-4 months. They were also the least friendly as chicks. In time that passed and they seem almost as sweet as the others now. They were first ones to lay, beginning at 4 months. Early on the Barred Rocks were the friendliest as a breed for me. Black aussies were the shyest and the sex links were too. Black aussies never ever peck at us for any reason and sometimes want to settle down in our laps for a nap. They are 8 months old now.
I owned in the past 100 layer: black star, Isa brown and gold star. They were sweet and friendly. They had plenty of room, I gave them a lot of greens and treats. Gave me between 88 and 94 eggs a day.
The only time it was a pecking problem was when I introduced new hens to the flock.
I got my 100 hens over a period of about 8 months, adding like 20 every 5 or 6 weeks. The other problem I had was some hens at the top of the pecking order were acting like roosters mating the other hens and they stopped laying. I solved both problems adding a banty rooster. My grandma gave me the idea. He kept everyone on check, didn't allow the older hens peck on the new ones.
He was a real gentleman and took good care of his girls.
We have red and black sexlinks and they peck no more than the others. They are very sweet chickens and great layers. The feather picking got to be really bad during the summer, so we decided to switch them to a higher (gamebird) protein feed. The feather picking/eating stopped.

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