If you have read about the dogs eating my chicks please read this.

Everytime they talk to you or yell and curse at you, do the following and it will drive them absolutely insane..

Smile sincerely, and say, "You have it so terrible, I think I'll pray for you and your family for the peace you so richly deserve."

I've used this before, and people literally turned purple they were so furious! But, what could they do?? Tell you not to pray?? It's even better if you bow your head right there.
Thats what I said to my wife earlier. I'm just going to wave and smile like i have never smiled before
My neighbor is also not so nice. I got some big barrels for rain collection that were one used for casings, like pork and sheep intestine. They are parked opened, unwashed, right on the fence line near her window, in the hot sun. She used to scream at my kids out it, but now she keeps the windows closed all the time. No idea why
2Beauts that is awesome, hope I remember that when i get frustrated at mean people. Bless You
Lost I hope everything works out for You and the neighbors keep their dogs out of your yard. Bless You
My last neighbor was a jerk like that- fortunately for us he hated the 'other' neighbors. I don't even know what I'd do If I had to deal with what they put up with (he would park his car with the headlights in their window and beep the horn, yell obscenities, etc). He was just irrational... what do you do with people like that? You can't reason with them, and I wouldn't feel comfortable doing anything that would make him angrier...Oh! I'm so glad I've moved.

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