If you kept only one breed...

I love my dark brahma. Smart, good foragers, predator aware. cute, but... Slow to lay, small (relatively) eggs, tough meat by the time they have any mass on them, and not well suited to my climate anyways. So...

In spite of the fact that they are stupid, messy birds... my Pekin Ducks win. Mass up quickly, lay wonderful eggs, breed like F'n rabbits, and not as lean as my other birds. Sadly, they eat like pigs. Very messy pigs.
The question is simple: if you could only keep one breed, whether or not you have it now, which one would you choose? I realize that this is a hard question, as a lot of people keep different breeds for different reasons. But the fun questions are rarely the easy ones. :D
Ohh, so hard!
I will have to think on that!
I love SS's and I really like bantams!
I have two I'd keep over most others, my ladies are a hobby and we struggle to find uses for their eggs- But my two favourites are my Silkie "Lola" and my Pekin Bantam "Chicky".

They are the friendliest by far, and willing to do anything- the bigger girls will run if given the chance 😅

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