If you own chickens, you will wanna sign this!!!

Well, online petitions are next to worthless. Wish that weren't so . . . but they are. Hard petitions with actual signatures can get noticed, but when written as poorly as this one is . . . well . . . feel free to sign it if ya want, because it won't accomplish a thing.
Here is the reality. It's a petition that bases it's entire premise on "what some guy says he saw" and then a vague reference to "studies" that claim to support the position. I mean really . . . it's a farce.

Who is the anonymous "guy" who saw eyes bug out or whatever? What studies? Have those studies been published in a recognized scientific Journal for peer review? Who performed these "studies"? What are their qualifications?

Frankly, if I were a Civics teacher and an seventh grader turned this petition in as a class project, I'd fail them for being so lax in their presentation. Presenting this to the legislature . . . how embarrassing is that? Put my name on that? No thanks.

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