If you sell eggs are the hens paying for themselves?


10 Years
Dec 26, 2009
Rock Hill SC
Just curious, I started selling eggs a few months ago and didn't have many customers so I didn't sell all my eggs for a while, now that I can't keep up with demand my hens are starting to earn their keep, I made enough to pay for about a month and a half worth of feed this week. I sell 3 to 4 dozen a week, I get 1.50 for medium eggs and 2.00 for large, I sell mostly large since my hens are producing bigger eggs now, they are 9 months old. I also only have 10 hens that lay about 8 eggs a day.
Ha! Around here, with all the treats they demand, our hens don't pay for themselves even with good egg production, but they surely do make up for that in their entertainment value:) Fewer trips to town to movies and such, more back porch sittin' and laughing. ~G But in a more serious response, congratulations on your good record of production and sales.
Yep I have 13 girls laying now and am able to keep three familys in eggs and sell eough to pay for their feed to. I have been tracking cost using a spread sheet I got from this forum and have made 49 cents for the month of december. Looks like my retirement plans are coming together lol. Sure not gonna get rich any time soon but if I can at least come close to breaking even each month I can worry about more important stuff like what chicks I want come spring.
not even close. I sell mine for 3$ a dozen about 4-5 Doz or more a week-I get 4$ a doz for duck eggs-it sure helps pay for their feed though! -my fertile eggs I ship all over is what pays for everything else-it helps me buy them what they need-heated waterers-extra treats-fresh pine shavings etc. I figured If I sell my eggs the way I have been in two years the costs of the coops/ pens will almost be paid off! But I dont sell hatching eggs in Summer or really in Fall so better make that 4 years! by then Ill have built a few more coops-so Im still in the red! but love every minute of it!
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I sell mine for a reasonable price due to their unique colors and to surfice for the feed prices. But my devoted customers are very generous too. The give me vegetables and table scraps. Plus their empty cartoons. I also have family that will sell for me and that is awesome! But there is no price change. Infact if I was willing to sell my hens to my family friends they would pay alot for these fat healthy hens! I may do so when I change out my hens. But I still have to think about that! But if they pay for themselves I think they do but not as often.
There is little or no profit. However, as an organic gardener, I find the manure priceless. I consider a heaped up dump trailer of manure worth over $6 a load. I compute it that way. I also figure our own eggs are basically free, but then I work the chicken chores for them, so let's say they aren't quite free. If the egg sales barely cover the rest of the feed/bedding costs, then I call it even.
Yep...I've got 11 laying hens and have been getting between 5 and 8 eggs per day now. I've started selling and gaining customers by word of mouth. My hens are started to cover their own feed (maybe not the cabbage treats ) but their layer pellets are paid in full. I'm hoping to add to my flock this spring... I mean chicken math will be in control at that point...so I'm hoping that they will continue to pay their way. My hubby got me an incubator for Christmas so I'm really excited to see how I do with reproducing my own flock.

Keep up the good work!!! Good Luck!!!
No way. I spend more on my chickens than I make but that is okay because I like fresh eggs and also I enjoy hanging out with my chickens especially if something is troubling me. It really is relaxing to watch them.

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