If you were to plant a garden for your chickens, what would you plant?


12 Years
Mar 6, 2011
I am planning to plant a garden for my girls that will be protected by chicken wire, so they will only be able to eat what grows through the fence. I am wondering what all I should plant.

I am looking for climbing plants as well as ground plants and grasses.
for sure squash squash squash all kinds of diff. varieties to pick from
all kinds of lettuce, tomatoes, corn...pumpkins, squash, honey dew, cantaloupe, watermelon and strawberries. They love to pick their own grapes and blueberries, also :)
We are growing pumpkin (7 or 8 varieties), crook neck, zucchini, butternut, and acorn squash in our family garden. We will share because we can never eat it all ourselves.

Any other suggestions?
Mine have been particularly thrilled with my cucumbers this year.... also love the carrot greens.
Peas would be good. Squash seeds (pumpkin, etc) are reputed to have parasite resistant effects, so even sharing just the seeds from those would be excellent for chickens. If you aren't the type to eat them yourself, that is... I know I am

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