If you won the lottery...


7 Years
Dec 26, 2012
and money wasn't an issue, what would you use to make the "perfect" predator-proof run and coop?

I would have a huge or several barns with a lot of natural light. With enough space I would keep them inside to avoid the diseases and parasites that come from wild birds.
I would buy a big farm.I would have a big coop.with air condition for the hot summer months.i would have a big secure predator proof chicken yard.So nothing flying, crawling or walking could harm my girls.
First I would buy more land, then I would take five acres and predator fence it with both 2x4 wire and seven electric fence wires. with a 15 foot high cover over the whole thing, The gate would be a double affair similar to an air lock where you enter and close the outer gate then open the inner gate. This acreage would be just for the birds, I would have similar space for goats, rabbits, ducks/geese and pigs. The house would be in the center of all these acreages so I could access each one as needed with out a lot of walking.

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