If your going to dig to china...



...Don't get caught by mom!!

Ah haha for a while we had been trying to figure out who was digging in the dog run. Well today I figured out who it was.
Rosie AND her brother Sarge.
They dug the hole so deep that Rosie was able to submerge herself in it and fling the dirt at the window *hence how I was able to notice the digging of the hole...I'm sorry, crater. :D

And look just how bad he feels! Hes sticking his tongue out at me...
That Sarge looks like a character. His expressions are priceless!

He is going to be just like his father, full of character!! XD
Sarge Smiles also, hes such a cool dog.
I swear he looked up, and as I shot the picture he just stuck his tongue out at me :D
he looks like he knows that he did something wrong!!!!
Man that is quite the hole! One of my dogs used to be a digger, you know what worked? I put tons and tons of mothballs in the hole. Never again did he dig

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