Ill chick? Advice appreciated


12 Years
Jul 18, 2007
Grass Valley, CA
I have a one week old Dorking chick which I received from McMurray. A few days (probably 3), she began breathing rapidly. That's the only symptom she is exhibiting. She is eating and drinking normally. She has had some pasty butt which I've been cleaning twice a day. I've separated her with another chick which was smaller than the others and getting run over. They are both smaller than the other chicks, and somewhat quieter. I've been giving them chick starter and cooked egg, and putting poly vi sol in their water. Other than the rapid breathing, she appears fine. Might she have some kind of respritory infection? She's not sneezing or anything like that. Should I get some antibiotics to put in the water? If so, what kind of dosage for such a small chick? Thanks for any suggestions you have.
Sounds like you are doing everything I would suggest. Without more symptoms it is hard to say.And I'm not experienced in chick illness. If that's what you have. Is your heat stable where it can get in and out? Antibiotics probably won't hurt and vitamins & electrolites also. Good luck, Hope this link has something to help. Check out laboured breathing and panting.

Thanks Imp and TurkeyMountianChickens. I went out and got Aureomycin this morning. I called the 6 feed stores around our area, and no one had Terramycin or Tylan. They all said that terramycin has been on back order for months - what's up with that? This was all any of them had, so that's what I got. Yesterday she seemed pretty good, just the labored breathing, but eating and drinking on her own. Today, she didn't seem to want to move or eat or drink. I mixed up the antibiotic in water, then mixed it with some chick starter and cooked egg to make a kind of slurry. I've been feeding her by dropper every hour or so, just trying to make sure she stays hydrated and gets some of the antibiotics into her. When I last gave her some, when I put her back in her brooder, I set her next to the feeder and she actually started eating on her own. I'm taking this as a good sign and am hopeful that she'll pull through. I decided to go ahead and dose all the chicks with the antibiotics, just in case. I'll go into town tomorrow and get some yogurt to start feeding them to help keep their flora up. Any thoughts on any of this?
That sounds like good news. Yay!
Yogurt is a good idea, I think the organic kind with the live culture in it is recommended.

Good luck,


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