Illegalization of Muscovy Ducks!

so are red foxes, pheasants, guinea pigs, most pet rats, ferrets, hamsters, most breeds of dogs, chickens, COWS, horses, many many pet birds like parakeets.... oh i could go on and on

proof that it is pointless to try and illligalize the keeping of these ducks, or any pet for that matter. i don't have any myself but i wouldn't mind having a few. i admire them!
If you release any animal into the wild, accidental or on purpose you should be in trouble. I do believe it is illegal regardless the species (with the exception of the pigeon) Cats (<---- if not, hopefully coming soon), Dogs, Horses, whatever. Dogs need to have a collar... it make since for the bird to have a band.

also 8 1/2 x 11" paper is the normal notebook size paper I do believe, it's to try to keep everything neat. they don't want some people having half sized paper and others having the foot and a half legal stuff. It's to make filing it easier.

and animals are not people. And if your human baby got "loose" you would be in trouble for neglect.


mallards are regulated... pet mallards need to be marked, they need to have one of the toes clipped, be banded or pinioned by the time they are 6 weeks old....

§ 21.13
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thats what they say down here. They would love to erradicate them all, just like all the iguanas too!
Keep saying they are not a native species. You know what I say, the've been here for a very long time, so whats the difference, just leave them alone. Whats' with our society wanting to do away with all these living creatures? Down here, they even want to get rid of the australian pine trees, because THEY are not native, Please, give me a break. I say, live and let live.
b.hromada :

thats what they say down here. They would love to erradicate them all, just like all the iguanas too!
Keep saying they are not a native species. You know what I say, the've been here for a very long time, so whats the difference, just leave them alone. Whats' with our society wanting to do away with all these living creatures? Down here, they even want to get rid of the australian pine trees, because THEY are not native, Please, give me a break. I say, live and let live.

What you are missing is that some of the new invasive species have a habit of out competing the natives for resources leading to extinction. I know for a fact those iguanas are chomping down on the plants down there at a massive rate in some areas. That's tough on those plants as well as the other creatures that depend on them.​
thats what they say down here. They would love to erradicate them all, just like all the iguanas too!
Keep saying they are not a native species. You know what I say, the've been here for a very long time, so whats the difference, just leave them alone. Whats' with our society wanting to do away with all these living creatures? Down here, they even want to get rid of the australian pine trees, because THEY are not native, Please, give me a break. I say, live and let live.

What you are missing is that some of the new invasive species have a habit of out competing the natives for resources leading to extinction. I know for a fact those iguanas are chomping down on the plants down there at a massive rate in some areas. That's tough on those plants as well as the other creatures that depend on them.

I'm not so sure about just how bad they are to our plants. Now I'm sure they DO eat their fair share of them. I've lived here all my life, and have not seen destruction of plants and such that they claim there is? I just feel, because something is not "Native" to an area, why should they all be abolished? If you think about it, most Americans are not a native species, if you get what I mean. Most of the problem is, people that get these creatures as pets, then don't want them, for what ever reason, to big, etc. they just dump them. There are whole colonies of them. Most of the time, humans are to blame not the flora and fauna.
b.hromada :

Most of the problem is, people that get these creatures as pets, then don't want them, for what ever reason, to big, etc. they just dump them. ......... Most of the time, humans are to blame........

Yes and that is why they want you to have a licence to sell them, to help keep them out of the hands of irresponable pet owners.​
I can't imagine them really passing this through. It's ridiculous.

While muscovies _are_ an invasive species, there should be rules and regulations that prohibit people from releasing muscovies in the same way that it's illegal to dump dogs and cats.

If parks kept up with catching all of the domestic ducks and geese that are let loose on their ponds, and animal control came out to pick up any muscovies reported at lakes, then this wouldn't be an issue.

You can't fine someone for an escaped bird, and if someone is going to release a bird you can bet that they'd take the tag off.

In the end this isn't something I can see them actually regulating. And the backlash isn't going to be pretty (especially since hatcheries are starting to carry them). I know I'll be livid if someone tries to take my muscovies from me. Out of all the ducks, they're the ones I like the most. They're calm, quiet, and friendly.
There's a difference between exotic species and invasive exotic species. And there must be some oversight, management & regulation to control the spread of those. The invasive exotics have few natural predators to control their numbers, and so have an unfair advantage over the native species that need the same habitat & food sources.

It's surprised me to see how popular Muscovy ducks are in many other parts of the country, to hear folks pleading "I want some Muscovies, where can I find them?" Here in South Florida they are like kudzu, they're like weeds with wings. I've heard that our feral population began with just a few pairs that were either intentionally released or escaped from someone's home in Gainesville FL. Personally, I don't DISlike them, I'm just not really impressed with them, and much prefer the native wild species and my own domestic duck breeds.

It seems this regulation is a long-overdue attempt to limit the spread & growth of the feral Muscovy population. I don't think anyone is going to march your own personal pets/livestock off to duck jail, but they're trying to insure that all the many many Muscovy ducklings you might produce have a plan & a purpose that doesn't include being released into the environment.
Muscovies are RARE around here, I love them to pieces, I've wanted muscovies for years, it took my forrever to find Squeaks and his brothers and sister, Rosilee was an Auction bird, they don't bother anyone, and they're cute!

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