
Long, long day again. Going to be a sad day soon. My tiny white seramas isn't going to make it. Has been going downhill for over a week. It perked up on the two hot days we had this past week leading me to be hopeful, but i just checked on phoe and the kiddos in the garage and found the white one on its side barely breathing. Its body feels cold. I have had my brinsea brooder plate with the carrier for the past week trying to make sure it was warm. Its sister is doing well, I think I have decided to name her Jasmine. Phoe is back to laying eggs again and wandering farther away from her daughter which of course panics her. I have a feeling I'll be having a broody hen soon.....
Long, long day again. Going to be a sad day soon. My tiny white seramas isn't going to make it. Has been going downhill for over a week. It perked up on the two hot days we had this past week leading me to be hopeful, but i just checked on phoe and the kiddos in the garage and found the white one on its side barely breathing. Its body feels cold. I have had my brinsea brooder plate with the carrier for the past week trying to make sure it was warm. Its sister is doing well, I think I have decided to name her Jasmine. Phoe is back to laying eggs again and wandering farther away from her daughter which of course panics her. I have a feeling I'll be having a broody hen soon.....
My hens are still molting. :he
I have them on meat bird for increased protein and they have oyster shell to supplement calcium as needed. I see new feathers growing in so I'm hoping the molt is coming to an end finally.

DW is going to pop out our new DS any day. We have 3 more weeks until the due date, but I'm not convinced we are making it all the way to 10/30. I don't know when I'm going to get all the house work done. I need to get the bassinet, baby swing, and pack n' play moved out of storage in the basement and cleaned up. I also need to get all the baby supplies out and cleaned: bottles, bottle sanitizer, clothes, baby blankets/swaddles, etc... the list is endless it seems. And then I need to get the coop and both runs cleaned and prepped for winter before it gets here. I also need to send a bunch of quail (going form ~4 dozen to ~1 dozen hens and 4 cocks) to freezer camp still to decrease their numbers for winter, putting up some more meat and saving on feed (and poop that needs to be cleaned daily). I also need to clean the garden and put up compost.
@BReeder! Better tell your wife to cross her legs so you can get it all done!:lau

The tiny little white Serama did pass away last night during the night. It is for the best. It was not thriving and was quite small. It still had a lot of baby down feathers. I'm pretty sure Phoenix is going to go broody again. Its going to be a LONG winter.
I don't know when I'm going to get all the house work done. I need to get the bassinet, baby swing, and pack n' play moved out of storage in the basement and cleaned up. I also need to get all the baby supplies out and cleaned: bottles, bottle sanitizer, clothes, baby blankets/swaddles, etc... the list is endless it seems. And then I need to get the coop and both runs cleaned and prepped for winter before it gets here.

Oh, Don't worry if it's not all done before the baby arrives..... It's not like you'll be sleeping through the night, so you can just use those hours to catch up. LOL

Of course, I always got a big burst of energy right before labor. (severe nesting urges, chores, errands, & cleaning the house) It was such a contrast to the usual 3rd trimester exhaustion that we knew something was changing.

Sorry about the little serama. Phoe's mom (Xansie) has been trying to go broody. She already raised 3 clutches of chicks this year, so we're cutting her off. She's in the luxurious broody jail of DD's bedroom being spoiled. We tried putting her back outside yesterday & she ran into the nest boxes again.

DS's serama, Coge, is still sitting tight on some eggs. I think she laid for less than 2 weeks before going broody. It will be interesting to see what happens. (I'm not sure the eggs are actually fertile, but DS was very insistent about giving her eggs.)
My hens are still molting. :he
I have them on meat bird for increased protein and they have oyster shell to supplement calcium as needed. I see new feathers growing in so I'm hoping the molt is coming to an end finally.

DW is going to pop out our new DS any day. We have 3 more weeks until the due date, but I'm not convinced we are making it all the way to 10/30. I don't know when I'm going to get all the house work done. I need to get the bassinet, baby swing, and pack n' play moved out of storage in the basement and cleaned up. I also need to get all the baby supplies out and cleaned: bottles, bottle sanitizer, clothes, baby blankets/swaddles, etc... the list is endless it seems. And then I need to get the coop and both runs cleaned and prepped for winter before it gets here. I also need to send a bunch of quail (going form ~4 dozen to ~1 dozen hens and 4 cocks) to freezer camp still to decrease their numbers for winter, putting up some more meat and saving on feed (and poop that needs to be cleaned daily). I also need to clean the garden and put up compost.
One day at a time!
"BReeder!, post: 21826811, member: 506061"DW is going to pop out our new DS any day. We have 3 more weeks until the due date, but I'm not convinced we are making it all the way to 10/30. I don't know when I'm going to get all the house work done. I need to get the bassinet, baby swing, and pack n' play moved out of storage in the basement and cleaned up. I also need to get all the baby supplies out and cleaned: bottles, bottle sanitizer, clothes, baby blankets/swaddles, etc... the list is endless it seems.
Make the BABY the PRIORITY:thumbsup
"BReeder!, post: 21826811, member: 506061"DW is going to pop out our new DS any day. We have 3 more weeks until the due date, but I'm not convinced we are making it all the way to 10/30. I don't know when I'm going to get all the house work done. I need to get the bassinet, baby swing, and pack n' play moved out of storage in the basement and cleaned up. I also need to get all the baby supplies out and cleaned: bottles, bottle sanitizer, clothes, baby blankets/swaddles, etc... the list is endless it seems.
Make the BABY the PRIORITY:thumbsup
Well of course. :)
I kept saying this is "my last hatch" about once a month all summer. My last planned hatch was in August. After that I put the incubator into storage. But 3 hens went broody, so my "last hatch" was Sept 9th. Those hens & mamas are doing great. Then my son's fav serama chick from his spring 4H project went broody.

This is "Coge." She a spoiled little serama. There's nothing special about the way she looks, but to DS, she's perfect. She was hatched May 1st and started laying 3 weeks ago.

What a little brat! (the chicken. My son's OK.) She refused to lay in the reg nest boxes. She kept hopping the backyard fence & knocking on our back door. I put her in a little coop (which was occupied by some older chicks) as a way of containing her, and then it became her routine! She insisted that I carry her & place he into the extra broody coop to lay her egg. When finished, she'd beat up the chicks to make them squawk, so I'd let her out. I finally locked her in an unused rabbit cage. She decided that was suitable, and after the 2nd day all I had to do was leave the door open for her to come & go as needed. After all of that, she only laid eggs for about 10-12 days before going broody.

One of her 1st eggs was completely useless. Here it is next to a Sebright's egg.

This is Coge now. She's sitting tight on some eggs in the rabbit hutch.

As soon as DS noticed his little pullet was broody, he ran inside to grab some of her eggs. I had no idea if any of her eggs were fertile. She started with 8, but one was peeking out. I removed that egg plus one more just in case. Out of the remaining 6 eggs, 4 started developing.

I guess in about 2 weeks, we'll have our last "last hatch."

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