
Did the door hit her or did something else happen?

I am assuming she got caught in the door when it shut. She flew out of the coop for her morning treats and 15 minutes later she was gone. No other signs of anything, she has been healthy and laying. She would have been 2 years old this year.
When you candle an egg, should there be any "liquidy" movement near the air sac?  I think the whole batch is a loss.

If these eggs are the ones near the end or past due, nearly half the eggs should be a solid mass, and you might see a little movement, more like shadows near the air cell as the chick moves around against the inner membrane that separates the air cell...
If these eggs are the ones near the end or past due, nearly half the eggs should be a solid mass, and you might see a little movement, more like shadows near the air cell as the chick moves around against the inner membrane that separates the air cell...

I'm sure then that they're all duds. No movement, and I see liquid when I rock it a bit.
It sounds like some of us are having a very sad day.
I don't have any magic words to make the heartbreak go away, but I'd like to try to make you smile for a moment, so...

Junibutt's choc orps are about 1 month old. Here's Godiva. (Or at least that's what we're calling her for now.)

and Here's her "brother"?

Here's my joyful little Bubbles - looking very grumpy about all the rain we got today.

I've been doing the usual chicken tractor for the littles during the day & placing them in an old rabbit cage in the run at night. They're 6-7 weeks old. Today it was pretty rainy & cold. Although the tractor has a 1/2 covered roof, I made a plastic tote with a hole as an extra "huddle house". Of course they preferred to just stand in the rain. I was afraid they'd get sick, so I brought them into the run. I had just removed the rabbit cage, so I decided to stick around & see what happened. Nothing! The big girls came in to greet me & beg for treats. I threw some scratch around & all was good. I kept going back to check on them & never saw any problems. They're all not one, unified flock of course, but none of the hens were chasing &/or bullying the littles. How wonderful it is not to have chickens trying to kill each other!!!! Soon, I hope to have everyone sleeping under one roof.

Here's the corner of the big run where I set up an area for the littles. They weren't sure where to sleep, so I had to tuck them in tonight.

Broody update: I moved both hens out of the prime nest boxes & into a giant dog crate. I set up 2 boxes with new eggs. (I even wrote their names on the boxes) Trouble is sitting tight on her 2 (smallest I could find) eggs, but Cookie got off hers. I'll keep her in there for a couple days to see if she changes her mind.

@Faraday40 the chicks are adorable and congrats on an easy integration. The pic of Bubbles made me chuckle for sure, Bubbles doesn't look very bubbly at the moment, lol. Glad to see Troubles still staying the course. All 5 of mine are doing great for their first time too. I haven't even kept track of hatch dates, or candled, will have to look back at my posts, to figure an around hatch date. Should be coming up soon for Minnie, since she is ahead of the others by 3-4 days.
Lost one of my Australorps last night.
She was egg bound and I didn't notice until yesterday when I brought her in to the house. She was always a shy one. She did look puny Thursday, but when I went to check her out, she perked right up and joined in with the others (wouldn't let me catch her). We went out Friday and got back late, she was in the coop perched. Saturday I didn't notice her much, but I think she was hiding and with over 50 other hens, I found her at dusk in a corner out of the coop.

I brought her in and gave her a warm bath and dried her. She was hunched over and wouldn't eat/drink. I figured I would give her a little while alone in quiet (since she was in a new place and all) she passed less than an hour later.

RIP little bird with no name.

So then, "replacement therapy" took hold.

Sorry @MeepBeep I didn't wait for the parts list. LOL I will build yours next. ;)

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