
3 chicks together- From top- mauve orpington, blue cuckoo (possibly), chocolate barpington (orpington x legbar)
You always have such beautiful chickens!
Lots of cute chicks lately!

I'm starting to wonder if one of my 20 week old BR pullets is a cockerel - or just a really bossy hen! He/She looks a little different (lighter coloring - nearly white and taller than the others). And the rest of the BR girls haven't started laying (or I don't think so). The Red Star girls are so easy compared to the BR bunch. We're having some issues each night about what time I want them to go to bed....of course the teenagers want to stay out all

I've got tons of eggs so tomorrow is angel food cake from scratch and fresh strawberries and cream.

And the heat returns this coming week....well, better than snow I guess. Have a good week all.
Thanks @Faraday40 for the beautiful choc split to mottled pullet. Broody accepted it with no complaints at all. I think she is still in the hatching mode. Will probably be helpful since I have two eggs scheduled to hatch on Tuesday. If she stays on the nest, she will take them as well. I let her out for 10 minutes today (without the chicks) so she could poo etc. but she was back at the door in a minute and practically banging my sun-room door..

Here are couple of pics of the new adoptee Chloe riding her momma's back and some other chicks:

Who set off the chicken bomb?
The first time I saw my hens sun themselves, I got quite a scare!

Nice to see you again & glad your broody is easy-going. If your hen isn't teaching them, make sure the chicks are eating & drinking. At some point, the hen needs to leave the nest & teach her chicks basic life skills.
Who set off the chicken bomb?
The first time I saw my hens sun themselves, I got quite a scare!

Nice to see you again & glad your broody is easy-going. If your hen isn't teaching them, make sure the chicks are eating & drinking. At some point, the hen needs to leave the nest & teach her chicks basic life skills.
Awesome pics! My broody has abandoned the last egg and is helping chicks eat and drink. One chick keeps cheeping and not eating though. It only stops when under the broody. The sun-room is almost 90 degrees so can't be cold. Oh well we will see!
Awesome pics! My broody has abandoned the last egg and is helping chicks eat and drink. One chick keeps cheeping and not eating though. It only stops when under the broody. The sun-room is almost 90 degrees so can't be cold. Oh well we will see!
Hopefully it learns soon. If not, I may have to send my DD over there to train it. LOL

She's so excited to see her video online & is watching the number of views (& hopefully "likes") go up. Kids are so much fun.
Just an update on my 3 Polish Cuties They are just over 4 weeks now and growing like weeds..

They are all healthy as well. Another few weeks and will start to introduce them to the resident flock.

Signed up for some online photo classes. Now I'm getting better

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