
I am not familiar with swaps and if there might be any in my area...sounds fun though!
Hey ilroost!!! Go the roos home and trimmed both wings...we only have 4 foot fence. The light colored roo was determined he didn't want to stay and kept trying to jump/fly out. The dark roo is definitely the alpha of the 2. Both are so very handsome. The pullets were all roosting in the chicken tractor by the time we got the roos ready to join the flock...took the roos about 10 minutes to figure out that food and water was inside and they perched with the hens.

Again thank you and your wonderful wife so very much for those roos. Hopefully I might be able to do the same for you in the future.

Oh, and maybe I can get better half to consider ducks??? lololol
I'm from Illinois. I'm actually in Williamson County just outside of Marion. If anyone near me has any ducks, please let me know. Our pond is beginning to fill and I'd love to be able to put some feathered friends on it by very early spring.


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