
Your making me hungry! You like the pizza burger or the gondola?

Oh and they call it the "Spirit of Peoria" now...they take her from downtown dock to just north of McCluggage bridge and back again. We pass her quite a bit in the summer when we head north on the river to Lacon.
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Your making me hungry! You like the pizza burger or the gondola?

Oh and they call it the "Spirit of Peoria" now...they take her from downtown dock to just north of McCluggage bridge and back again. We pass her quite a bit in the summer when we head north on the river to Lacon.

Never had the pizza burger.....had their assorted pasta dishes and they are delicious! The bread outclass itself!
I didnt know that the Spirit of Peoria is still around. I sure do missed her!
OMG! Rod??????? Let's impeach him for invading BYC!

Yeah we all hated it and DD is driving me crazy indoors, wanting to go outside to PLAY!
I live in Eliza, IL. Which is 15 minutes SW of Muscatine, IA. I have 15 Rhode Island Reds, 5 White Leghorns, 5 White Silkies, 5 Barred Rock, 5 Rhode Island Whites, 5 California Whites, and 5 Buff Ducks.

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