
New to BYC and the IL Thread :) We are in N. IL...Lee County, and hoping to finish our coop this week (as the chickens are out growing their brooder ) We literally got the chickens before the coop and then the race was on. I'm excited to meet more IL chicken fanatics !!!
Welcome!! I'm also in Lee County, between Amboy and Sublette.
Sounds like you've fallen into the addiction love of chickens like the rest of us!!
Haha, I love the rationalization! I think well I have 10 eggs in the incubator but most are shipped, so about 3-4 may hatch, so yes I can get more chicks!

By the way, I am down to one egg on my olive eggers. So sad.
That is very sad. Were those OEs shipped eggs too? They can be tricky. Also, some of the darker eggs just cannot be candled well. At best you'll see light or shadow by day 14. Are yours part of the Easter Hatch-Along.?

6 out of 7 of my broody-started eggs went into lockdown today. One is a purebred lav orp, 2 CCLxOrp, 1 EExOrp, & 2 all out barnyard mix - but my BEST layers. Cookie, the broody hen, just picked what was laid that day. I swear she somehow moved some of those eggs into her nest. How she got them to her nest is still a big mystery. (Nests are about 12" off the ground. Also, LF eggs being set by a bantam.) Since the broody started them, I'm not exactly sure of the hatch date. Sat night was the 1st night she slept in the nest box, but prior she was on/off the nest a lot. They may be due to hatch Fri-Sun. Some of the eggs started moving last night, so I moved them to a hatcher/back up incubator this morning.
That is very sad. Were those OEs shipped eggs too? They can be tricky. Also, some of the darker eggs just cannot be candled well. At best you'll see light or shadow by day 14. Are yours part of the Easter Hatch-Along.?

6 out of 7 of my broody-started eggs went into lockdown today. One is a purebred lav orp, 2 CCLxOrp, 1 EExOrp, & 2 all out barnyard mix - but my BEST layers. Cookie, the broody hen, just picked what was laid that day. I swear she somehow moved some of those eggs into her nest. How she got them to her nest is still a big mystery. (Nests are about 12" off the ground. Also, LF eggs being set by a bantam.) Since the broody started them, I'm not exactly sure of the hatch date. Sat night was the 1st night she slept in the nest box, but prior she was on/off the nest a lot. They may be due to hatch Fri-Sun. Some of the eggs started moving last night, so I moved them to a hatcher/back up incubator this morning.

Actually, the shipped eggs are from a Olive egger roo over a CCL. So the eggs were the same size and color as my CCL pullet eggs and very easy to candle. But a lesson learned. I just hope that one egg makes it to hatch. I also have a couple of my own RIR x CCL and a Buff Orp x CCL in the incubator that seem to be doing well.

Haha, that is where a coop cam would come in handy, to see how she moved them. Good luck on your hatch.
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You'll have to update me on what you think of your Black Australorps. On paper they sounded like the perfect breed for me, but the only one I had was quirky & didn't like to cuddle. She made a lot of speckled eggs, though. I'd like to have one outstanding egg producer, but I also want one that is extremely people friendly like my orps. They're always underfoot, follow the kids around the yard, and must "help" with everything.
The only Black Australorp I have is the sweetest and cuddliest bird of my flock. Does not pick fights with anyone except when broody. Never pecks me even when she is broody and I am picking up chicks. Fluffy and I love that green sheen on her. This was quite surprising because I had bought her when she was 13 weeks along with 2 Wyandottes. The Wyandottes never became friendly and finally gave them away when they were a year old.

I think it depends on the line and their genes. Some folks may have crossed them with some bad temperament blood and so forth. I had some beautiful Jubilee Orpingtons last year which I bought as 3 weeks old chicks and they were wild. I tried relentlessly to make them my friends or even come close to me to eat for 5 months and no avail. Even treats like meal worms would not change their mind and they would run back into the coop as soon as they saw any human coming. So I sold them (for a good price)! Next time if I get any chicks I will make sure they are no older than 1 week when I receive them.
Looking for someone around the Springfield area with chicken hatching eggs, doesn't matter what breed just want to fill an incubator In my Agg Class. Let me know if you have any or know someone who's willing to sell some close to me!
I have 3 eggs in lockdown, 2 of my own look great, my one olive egger I haven't seen any movement at all. I guess I will see on Thursday!
I have 3 eggs in lockdown, 2 of my own look great, my one olive egger I haven't seen any movement at all. I guess I will see on Thursday!
By day 18, there's not a lot of room for movement. Size is what matters. LOL

Good luck with your hatch!

BTW- My chicks are almost all out. Within 4 hours, 5 out of 6 hatched today. The last one is still working on it. (Just taking its time, I see no evidence of distress, so I must sit on my hands.) This is the 1st year I didn't get an earlybird. In fact all are exactly one day late. (Perhaps the last one is trying for 2 days late.)

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