
What do you put over the top to keep them in? How do you use the milk jugs?

The milk jugs I use for their food and water after they are 2 weeks old. I cut a slot across 2 sides and about inch and a half from the bottom for their food and water. Just wide enough for 3-4 to put their heads in to eat and drink. It helps keeps water clean and food isn't everywhere. Plus easy to change out once they get dirty. I have one of the metal feeder with the multi feeding holes, and its always a mess. They tip it over, they poop on and in it. I did order the water nipples, waiting for them to come. And then I have these 12 in wide, 5ft long foam things that are lite weight over the top. They are loving the new space.

How are all of your littles doing and how did your hatch go?
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Thanks for posting. I would love to try and make it up there. It would be my first poultry show!
I think you should take one of your Legbar girls as a contestant. Mine are a year and a half now so not suitable for a show, however, I do plan on checking it out. Thanks @NotAFarm for posting the link.
I think you should take one of your Legbar girls as a contestant. Mine are a year and a half now so not suitable for a show, however, I do plan on checking it out. Thanks @NotAFarm for posting the link.
Ha, I am going to look at pretty chickens! With AI, mine are all staying home, hopefully, where its safe.
Free Chicks to a Good Home?

From a friend, via a Chicago area school

!8 assorted chicks hatched, cared for and studied by First Graders

Plymouth Rock Columbian
New Hampshire
White Leghorn

Normally after studies are finished, they are returned to the egg and supply provider. The teachers kinda wish to find a better more certain home for them... All together or split up.

I will likely have more info, hatch date, in the next day or so. The hatch is finished and so are the studies.

Leave me a note if you are interested... Thanks!
Free Chicks to a Good Home?

From a friend, via a Chicago area school

!8 assorted chicks hatched, cared for and studied by First Graders

Plymouth Rock Columbian
New Hampshire
White Leghorn

Normally after studies are finished, they are returned to the egg and supply provider. The teachers kinda wish to find a better more certain home for them... All together or split up.

I will likely have more info, hatch date, in the next day or so. The hatch is finished and so are the studies.

Leave me a note if you are interested... Thanks!
All good homes are full of chicks already this season. Just kidding! Wish I could take the Plymouth Rocks but my brooder is already over-populated. In case you don't have any luck here, you can also post on Chicago Chicken Enthusiasts google group or I can post on your behalf but will need your email (you can PM me) for folks over there to communicate with you.
Quote: I LOVE hearing about those kiddos! What a great program to teach them a bit about their food!

We live on a large farm and I'm the resident chicken enthusiast. I could happily provide a home for them, 18 you say? I'm very interested in all the Plymouth Rock Columbian's and I could also take the rest if nobody else is interested ;)
I LOVE hearing about those kiddos! What a great program to teach them a bit about their food!

We live on a large farm and I'm the resident chicken enthusiast. I could happily provide a home for them, 18 you say? I'm very interested in all the Plymouth Rock Columbian's and I could also take the rest if nobody else is interested ;)

Thank you... I will keep you posted (and everyone else) as soon as I hear back from the teachers!

LinaNate, how far south are you?
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