
Hi Crazy Cat
Oh my I love Pekin ducks. We have always had them. They are so
vocal. It is very comical. Last year we were duckless for the first time in years. Went to local Rural King but they didnt have any White ducks. Soooo we got some buff ducks and mallards. We have a 2 acre pond in the back yard, and I swear when they got old enough to go to the water THEY FEARED IT!! I spent a month
chasing those silly ducks to the water. they would just wait till I walked away and then scramble out like we had aligators. I mentioned this to the guys at rural king and they said that the people who bred them dont have them near water so it is getting bred out of them!!! I would think that was whoooolarious except for my experience. hmmmm. They are out in the water now diving and playing. We have an aeroator so a large portion of the pond doesnt freeze. brrrrr on their butts Im sure!! They love it tho.
What do you think? Water loving being bred out of ducks?
My pekins love the water. I have small kiddie pool for them to swim in. Hoping that I can get a larger kiddie pool for them this year. Not too deep, just bigger around. It was quite crowded in there for 7 pekins to splash in. I never heard of the being bred from water llike that. It's not normal not to see ducks in or near water. I guess I'm just use to seeing ducks in rivers, pond or where ever they can find water to swim in.
Hey katrinag , We are neighbors. I live just a mile into Lee county.
I have Buff Orpingtons, Rouens ducks, Blue Swedish ducks and Toulouse Geese. 4-H birds so far Standard Rhode Island Reds.
Muscovy ducks could care less if they have water or not. 'Scovies are the only ducks I like to keep here. They don't make a bunch of noise (we have geese, pea fowl & guineas for that!) and they don't dig up the ground looking for grubs.
I'll take snow over ice any day!

I lived in Lexington through the 2003 ice storm. I never want to go through that again. It was miserable. We didn't have power for 8 days. I had to go to the gas station to get water for the critters.

I cannot imagine what it is like now with it even more widespread. Back in 03, it was pretty much just Lexington that was hit and we had crews from all over working 24/7 to get everyone back up. Now with everything so spread out...yikes!

My hubby is down at SIU law school and he was glad to get 2 days off. Of course, they made everyone make up their classes today so he was miserable with class from 8am-7pm.

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