
I have large barnyard mix eggs that are fertile. $5 a dozen... have a hen sitting on eggs that just started to hatch.. I gave her 13 and she was down to 9 Sunday so the fertility/hatchability is not too great... she hatched 12/12 in july.
I am by New Lenox/Joliet
Trying to convince SO for a few fall babies to add to our small flock. I feel like one of our girls is an odd one out sometimes. Did your eggs hatch? Sorry, I’m at work squeezing this message in, can’t scroll through atm.
Depending on age, adding new chickens can take a little time & patience. Take your time & pick out a breed you really want. Put "chicken math" to work for you and make sure the breed fits your needs.

I have some lav orp pullets. (hatched 9-22-17)
Orpingtons are not known for their egg production, but they're big & beautiful lap chickens. More kept as pets that happen to lay eggs. I'll be keeping the ones that I think have a chance of being male and the females are for sale. Send me a Private message if you want to know prices or ask ?s. (We're in DuPage Co.)


Here's a lav orp adult (This gal was already sold)
Muppet copy.jpg
Here are some summer pullets at Christmas, so you can see what I mean by BIG.
sweetie struggle.jpg Simon & chickens.jpg
Trying to convince SO for a few fall babies to add to our small flock. I feel like one of our girls is an odd one out sometimes. Did your eggs hatch? Sorry, I’m at work squeezing this message in, can’t scroll through atm.
6 hatched .. 3 BR or BJG crosses( 2 look like boys for sure, maybe all 3) and 2 are meat bird crosses..and 1 is either a meat bird cross or a ISA cockerel or a BO. it has darker yellow than a meat bird usually has.

I just had another go broody and put 13 eggs under her yesterday

Don't they know it's almost winter????

Perhaps your hen somehow talked with my bantam orp, Cookie. She's been acting broody too! Silly birds!
HA that is what i said.. I was going to kick the lastest out, but she had already plucked her breast feathers.. so I figured what the heck.. she is a very determined pullet from this Easter.. I thought she was a boy,from her actions, for months
Thanks so much Molpet & Faraday40! My gosh those orps are GORGEOUS. I definitely want pullets/layers. Want to make the most out of the few I’ll be able to keep for now. I feel bad for my Brahma sometimes, she’s an odd loner sometimes. I have suspicions one is picking on her. Why I was hoping to change the dynamics up sooner than later. I’m also sort of wanting to try fall chicks for the experience of having girls grow and ready to lay in spring to summer instead of starting in fall. But, I do want to make the right decision for my small flock too. I’m thinking (in my current situation) I’d be maxed out with 2-3 more full sized or 4 bantam added.
Just so you know, It is always best to add to your flock in 2 or more numbers. This way if you want 3, its best to do it at once. Getting 2 and some time later only one is less desirable. When I would get chickens like from Kankakee Swap meet, always got 2 or more. The newcomers were from different sellers, but when they got to my coop they hung together. New arrivals are always treated as bottom of pecking order. I noticed that the previous lowest pecking order chicken seemed to be the most active aggressor of the newcomers. These are just my observations over the years. In short time all would get along together in harmony. I also liked to keep assorted breeds since I only keep pets. All different and still got along.

I do not have any of these anymore, but wanted you to see that variety gets along with no problem.:)
HA that is what i said.. I was going to kick the lastest out, but she had already plucked her breast feathers.. so I figured what the heck.. she is a very determined pullet from this Easter.. I thought she was a boy,from her actions, for months
I've got one like that. (Tyrion) Thankfully she's never gone broody. I'd hate to see her confidence with some broodiness added in. She once chased off a hawk and plans to single-handedly take down the squirrel army in our yard. Can you imagine what she'd do if protecting a chick????
My Tyrion:
tyrion COLD.jpg

Have you ever brooded chicks in winter? What was your experience? Now you've got me thinking about it.... I've been kicking Cookie out of the nest multiple times a day & she keeps returning. She's a very experienced broody hen, so if any hen could do it, it's her. I certainly don't need the chicks, but I do have some purebred orp eggs sitting on the counter....

Broodiness is highly contagious!
I've got one like that. (Tyrion) Thankfully she's never gone broody. I'd hate to see her confidence with some broodiness added in. She once chased off a hawk and plans to single-handedly take down the squirrel army in our yard. Can you imagine what she'd do if protecting a chick????
My Tyrion:
View attachment 1180939

Have you ever brooded chicks in winter? What was your experience? Now you've got me thinking about it.... I've been kicking Cookie out of the nest multiple times a day & she keeps returning. She's a very experienced broody hen, so if any hen could do it, it's her. I certainly don't need the chicks, but I do have some purebred orp eggs sitting on the counter....

Broodiness is highly contagious!
this will be the latest.. I have had Hallowen hatches and they did fine.. I have hoop coops that are open to the south w/ huddle boxes (junk pre made coop and an old wooden dog house) so it will be an experiment.. although the winters haven't been that bad lately.. The accuweather long range weather forecast is highs above freezing most days until middle of Jan and then the highs are in the 20's and low of +4 on 1-15-18... so we probably will get highs of -5 LOL

ETA the problem I had was with hawks last Christmas when snow was on the ground... all the chickens were jammed in the huddle boxes and turkey feathers were in the middle of the coop at the divider...The turkey and roo were in the poultry yard looking to the woods.. there were no predator tracks in the poultry yard or near it , so I think a hawk was after the chicken nuggets and they ran in the coop.. the turkeys probably were in there and tangled w/the hawk... one turkey had a spot on his back missing a handfull of feathers.
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aquarium heaters?
Does anyone use them in their chicken waterers?

I have a great set up in my main coop, but I'm now looking for an inexpensive way to heat a quail waterer. (They are already used to nipple drinkers.)

I was also thinking about this:
(Made for rabbits & wondering if would work for quail with a thermo cube)

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