
Hi, All!

Just joined, and I was looking forward to communicating with local Illinoisians as well as digest the plethora of knowledge and experience on this website! My family and I are located in central IL. We have been chicken people since last April, and we are just starting to dabble in ducks! (Incubating as we speak :) )

:welcome And this thread:frow
You sure will find info on anything on byc... such a blessing to have a great resource
Hi amberzookeeper!:frow
Welcome to BYC!
I'm here in central illinois. My husband a good old beagle and six lovely hens on a farm east of Bloomington.
I've found so much help here when it come to chicken wellness. A sour crop issue was cured with help from all ! That in it's self is a miracle! I really thought Clara girl was going to die on me. She's two months in the good now:bow Thanks to BYC!!!

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