
Do know of a place that will process birds around our area?
I heard of a few people from our area who drove to Chicago to use John's Live Poultry. Drop off live birds & return a little while later to pick up meat.

If you're up for trying to learn how to do it yourself, there are a few people in IN who hold "processing parties." Basically, when they need to process a bunch of birds, they send out an invite and offer to teach hands on. I feel an experienced mentor is a lot easier than reading books or watching videos. There are a lot of emotions when it comes to end of life issues, so best to have someone experienced help you through it. It's certainly not for everyone.
I heard of a few people from our area who drove to Chicago to use John's Live Poultry. Drop off live birds & return a little while later to pick up meat.

If you're up for trying to learn how to do it yourself, there are a few people in IN who hold "processing parties." Basically, when they need to process a bunch of birds, they send out an invite and offer to teach hands on. I feel an experienced mentor is a lot easier than reading books or watching videos. There are a lot of emotions when it comes to end of life issues, so best to have someone experienced help you through it. It's certainly not for everyone.
The plucking is the only part I would struggle with since I don't have a machine for it. I hand pluck quail and will do the same with turkeys or chickens since I only would process a few at once.
I heard of a few people from our area who drove to Chicago to use John's Live Poultry. Drop off live birds & return a little while later to pick up meat.

If you're up for trying to learn how to do it yourself, there are a few people in IN who hold "processing parties." Basically, when they need to process a bunch of birds, they send out an invite and offer to teach hands on. I feel an experienced mentor is a lot easier than reading books or watching videos. There are a lot of emotions when it comes to end of life issues, so best to have someone experienced help you through it. It's certainly not for everyone.
I have cleaned many a Pheasant, and Quail just never did a chicken.
Looks like Mama turkey is going broody, she was in a box all day except for a break. Her daughter, that I had to shag in one night, was sitting under the barbwire and grapevine nest at dusk. I came up from behind and slowly put an old tee-shirt over her and that worked great. :yesss: Stuffed her into a 4x4 box, I'll see if she finds the eggs in there.
Looks like Mama turkey is going broody, she was in a box all day except for a break. Her daughter, that I had to shag in one night, was sitting under the barbwire and grapevine nest at dusk. I came up from behind and slowly put an old tee-shirt over her and that worked great. :yesss: Stuffed her into a 4x4 box, I'll see if she finds the eggs in there.
Best of luck. I'd love to have a broody do the work for me.
I'm wide awake now (2am) b/c of a fox screaming. It was a very creepy screaming noise like something from a Halloweeen CD. I opened the front door and it looked right back at me for about 60 sec. as it continued to scream. I didn't dare open the screen part of the door because it stood on our driveway only 15' from me. It then moved toward the back so I quickly ran through the house and turned on the exterior garage lights. That caused it to run back to the front. By this time the kids were wide awake, so we each took a flashlight & kept giving it a spotlight. After a few min it moved away down the sidewalk.

I'm only a little relieved about it moving away (for now). I'm going to feel much better once I can go back and check on the coop. Armed with only a flashlight, I'd better wait til morning. Since I'm now wide awake, I read a little. The sound we heard was likely a male mating call or announcing his territory. So now I'm very concerned that he just looked at me and didn't run away immediately.

My poor chickens made a huge ruckus / alarm calls earlier this evening. Our next door neighbors had a party and were doing karaoke in their garage....... and now the fox. What a rough night for them!
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I'm only a little relieved about it moving away (for now). I'm going to feel much better once I can go back and check on the coop. Armed with only a flashlight, I'd better wait til morning. Since I'm now wide awake, I read a little. The sound we heard was likely a male mating call or announcing his territory. So now I'm very concerned that he just looked at me and didn't run away immediately.
healthy foxes are no danger to humans or medium size dogs, might take an ankle biter size dog... if everyone backs away from them they get bold..they are sneaky anyway... by me they get chased so as soon as they see me they run... people put food out and don't scare them away and they get use to people. Now you have a half tame fox that doesn't stay away from people... Best to scare it every chance you have.... and put out a box trap.

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