
Oh No! Please count those feet again.
7 is an odd number. :p Do you have a poult with only 1 foot or a bird who has 3?

count went up
mama has 5 , four are white
the other has 3 , one is white
so an even number of perfect feet

the 4 eggs from the two hens are in the incubator.. probably late quitters.
The bait eggs I had under the second are developing, I thought they wouldn't since they were from a hidden nest out in the weather. So they are in the incubator too.
I got flogged getting the unhatched from both hens.

The incubator only hatched 1 from my flock, but she is the quietest chick I even heard.. not sure about her.. a white... I put her under a broody chicken.. Hens was not thrilled. I am keeping an eye on them.
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Isnt this a peaceful and serene picture? A watchful rooster leading his girls in an open field looking for treats......:love
My chick is shouting,
"It finally stopped raining!!!!!"
View attachment 1764905
Mine are excited too:wee

Although the bottom land is flooded.
Seen a new bird hunting in the flood water. Had to look it up...a green heron. :old

Had to move the chick to a different broody. Afer a couple hours, the chick was in a corner crying. I brought food and the hen wouldn't let it eat... It wasn't hungry, it was just checking to see. Bad broody, I guess she hadn't been broody long enough. The other took the chick and seemed happier about it. But she was the one I was going to give the white Cornish to...if any hatch. They went into lockdown today. Only three of eleven.
My chick is shouting,
"It finally stopped raining!!!!!"
View attachment 1764905

Short lived lol. It's raining here right now. :)

So update from this morning. My broody jenny showed up but then disappeared just as quickly.

We looked for her more this morning but didn't find her.

Had a wonderful visit with @Faraday40 today so glad we were able to get together. Wish it could have been longer.

The birds are all very very happy.

"Back up" fits right in and walked around like the owns the place. Went into the coop with everyone else and is doing great.

Christmas did give her quite the look but they didn't really show if they knew each other.

All three jake turkeys were showing off and strutting for her. LOL

Puppy had quite the afternoon. He fought to escape the whole way home and it made this a little stressful. He'd had enough to say the least of his travel box. I let him out first when we got home. He heard all the other birds and went nuts. LOL so glad to be out.

Unfortunately he decided he had something to prove and promptly picked a fight with every bird out there. He even fought with Christmas. He held his own very very well. He unfortunately bloodied my best cream legbar rooster some.

I wish I had had a fourth chicken tractor to put Puppy in but I think he'll be okay. Tomorrow things should mostly have settled and he came off looking better than I thought he would when he started picking fights. I also want to point out that we were out there monitoring things and didn't let them get too rough.

Thankfully everything seems mostly settled now.

The juveniles I put in with the mixed color Orp chicken tractor and only Oopsie's sister is being bossy with them nothing too bad.

Everyone else has gone into the coop.

While monitoring chicken interactions we walked out back to look for the broody jenny and after just about giving up stumbled upon her.

Behind a concrete wall behind our coop(which our coop compost pile rests up against) she had hollowed out a groove in between the wall and the main compost pile. Here is where she was brooding in the shade of a tree(what little there is so far this year) that has grown up on the opposite side of the wall.

This evening as the storm blew in I went to check on her and she spooked. She went back out to forage. Unfortunately I discovered that she only had one turkey egg. Several chicken eggs. Also something like 2 or more eggs had been shattered at some point.

Possibly rats or her clumsiness. Her remaining eggs were coated in compost. I collected the eggs and brought them in. I then washed them in a very warm iodine and water mixture and candled them. It looks like they're on about day three as expected.

If we can get her to move to a more suitable place we will give her the eggs back or possibly give her new ones. I would like to give her the chance to be a Mommy but not if it risks her life.

I will say this though where she was laying with her blue slate coloring against the concrete she was almost totally invisible. However not protected against predators or weather. As a first time Mommy and with as caked as the eggs were I don't think any would have survived to hatch.

Interestingly she didn't hiss or growl let alone bite at me.
Short lived lol. It's raining here right now. :)

So update from this morning. My broody jenny showed up but then disappeared just as quickly.

We looked for her more this morning but didn't find her.

Had a wonderful visit with @Faraday40 today so glad we were able to get together. Wish it could have been longer.

The birds are all very very happy.

"Back up" fits right in and walked around like the owns the place. Went into the coop with everyone else and is doing great.

Christmas did give her quite the look but they didn't really show if they knew each other.

All three jake turkeys were showing off and strutting for her. LOL

Puppy had quite the afternoon. He fought to escape the whole way home and it made this a little stressful. He'd had enough to say the least of his travel box. I let him out first when we got home. He heard all the other birds and went nuts. LOL so glad to be out.

Unfortunately he decided he had something to prove and promptly picked a fight with every bird out there. He even fought with Christmas. He held his own very very well. He unfortunately bloodied my best cream legbar rooster some.

I wish I had had a fourth chicken tractor to put Puppy in but I think he'll be okay. Tomorrow things should mostly have settled and he came off looking better than I thought he would when he started picking fights. I also want to point out that we were out there monitoring things and didn't let them get too rough.

Thankfully everything seems mostly settled now.

The juveniles I put in with the mixed color Orp chicken tractor and only Oopsie's sister is being bossy with them nothing too bad.

Everyone else has gone into the coop.

While monitoring chicken interactions we walked out back to look for the broody jenny and after just about giving up stumbled upon her.

Behind a concrete wall behind our coop(which our coop compost pile rests up against) she had hollowed out a groove in between the wall and the main compost pile. Here is where she was brooding in the shade of a tree(what little there is so far this year) that has grown up on the opposite side of the wall.

This evening as the storm blew in I went to check on her and she spooked. She went back out to forage. Unfortunately I discovered that she only had one turkey egg. Several chicken eggs. Also something like 2 or more eggs had been shattered at some point.

Possibly rats or her clumsiness. Her remaining eggs were coated in compost. I collected the eggs and brought them in. I then washed them in a very warm iodine and water mixture and candled them. It looks like they're on about day three as expected.

If we can get her to move to a more suitable place we will give her the eggs back or possibly give her new ones. I would like to give her the chance to be a Mommy but not if it risks her life.

I will say this though where she was laying with her blue slate coloring against the concrete she was almost totally invisible. However not protected against predators or weather. As a first time Mommy and with as caked as the eggs were I don't think any would have survived to hatch.

Interestingly she didn't hiss or growl let alone bite at me.
I leave an egg so they come back to that spot so I can find it... they tend to find a harder to find spot.
I locked two up in dinner's old coop. they kept jumping out and laying in bad spots. Another is broody and the last one lays in the coop
I leave an egg so they come back to that spot so I can find it... they tend to find a harder to find spot.
I locked two up in dinner's old coop. they kept jumping out and laying in bad spots. Another is broody and the last one lays in the coop

Thanks for that pointer maybe I'll put a chicken egg there since my turkey eggs are in the incubator. Yes I would like to know where she stays. Hopefully by morning she will have settled into the coop and we can give her eggs there.

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