
The adult quail have been giving me 1 egg (sometimes 2) / day.
18 days ago we set 9 eggs and only 3 developed. Those 3 eggs have pips.
Can't wait to see what hatches.

I was talking on another thread where people have been having poor hatches this year. They were wondering if it has anything to do with the odd weather. Has anyone else here had poor hatches this spring for unexplained reasons?

My turkey hatch was 100% (thanks to @Molpet)
My orpington hatches have been fine. Not perfect but above 80%
My serama hatches have been poor. (In winter when I didn't want chicks, they were 100%) Now only about 50%. Mostly quitters or die at hatch time. Of course, I'm not setting most of the eggs because I do not want a lot of 'useless' serama chicks.
The quail have had many infertile/clear eggs. I see the male doing his thing, so I don't understand. At 1st I though it was because the eggs were from early in the season. Then they had to grow accustomed to their new cage. Perhaps it's age? or weather?
Turkeys haven't been bad so far 3/15 hens have hatched eggs.

4/5 one pipped but didn't zip,
4/10 a pile of old bait eggs given to bad mother , pulled as other hens set... that I didn't think were still viable.

Probably a combo of things
So this is ridiculous.....


Did you purchase the freezer already? If not, I hear they are hard to find.
Apparently they are in short supply, but I believe you might find one at SEARS. A family member was looking for one and did see freezers available at Sears. I think peeps are avoiding that store since it is on the verge of closing, and worry if something goes wrong,,,,,, well, they have no return, or warranty.
I have an extra freezer that has been around for a long time. (not plugged in currently) and don't know what I would stock it with at this time. (not with $6 per pound ground beast:gig)
I can survive with my protein coming from beans with no problem.

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