
I'm excited about the chicks but always forget about the worrying. One of my CX is lethargic. Labored breathing. The whole front of it feels "bloated". I was rubbing the chest to feel for blockage and chick blew bubbles. Also daughter said umbilical cord came off ? I'm not home, trying to get pics to share. I got them yesterday and all seemed healthy and no problems till now. Not pasty butt.
I've never heard of a chick bubbling. I'd separate it in case it's contagious.

I have had chickens 'vomit' Basically they drank too much water on a hot day..... like today. Child picks her up, hits crop (or holds at a bad angle), and splat = water comes out like vomit. It could be something as simple as that the heat causing the lethargy. It could also be more serious, so I'd separate the chick. The navel usually does fall off at some point. Unless there's bleeding, I wouldn't worry about a navel scab falling off.
Looks a lot like mushy chick disease. DW found info on this site.
Swollen umbilical, likes heat, bloated abdomin. Separating it. Dont have antibiotics and dont know if they would help anyway. I don't think its pooping, vent very clean. Trying Epsom bath and see what happens.
I expected to loose 2-3.

Seen this before?
Poor thing. Looks uncomfortable . Never mind the dot on its head. Was all I could do to mark it at the time to watch it.
Cloverbud class went well. Aren't they adorable in their little masks!! (Life during Covid19)
with chickens.jpg

I brought the incubator outside and 3 chicks just happened to hatch during the hour the kids were here. I couldn't ask for better timing.

The NR360 incubator works well for the seramas but is so short for my orps.
Only the serama can stand up. The poor lav orp hits its head just by sitting.

On a sad note, Darling left the nest today. It looks like her only egg hatched. I found a dead lav orp in the run. It was still wet from hatching. Not sure if Darling did it or if the chick was discovered by another hen when Darling was off the nest. And why would she leave just as the chick hatched???

Not sure if I should move another chick under her. (She's back in the nest now.) This hatch was supposed to be hers.
That's great! My daughter wants to do 4H so bad. I can't wait until she is old enough.
Cloverbuds is the group of little ones too young for 4H. Since it's a family group (not all same age/grade like most scout troops) the younger siblings and parents are present at the meetings. It's so nice to see the high school kids helping out the elementary age kids. The Cloverbuds do one group project to show at the fair. They learn the process of working on a long term goal, making a presentation, and talking with judges. It's not competitive. Each member gets a 'participation' ribbon.

Once they're 8-18 years old, they're in the regular 4H group. Today, most of the 4H projects are not related to agriculture. Visual arts, photography, aerospace, electricity, robotics, computer programming, sewing, cooking, health, geography/travel, etc. are some of the popular of the project categories. It's funny because many people assume we live on a farm because we're in 4H. Nope. In our county, there are only a handful of kids who show their pet rabbits and chickens, and a few that love horses (& have the money to board them). There are only 2 families that have goats. None that own larger livestock.

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