
Nice day today. Went to Farm and Fleet. No cocks just yet in the Lockport store, but they are all set up for them. I don't really need any more chickens anyway. Just ducklings and hopefully a few poults this year. After F&F, we went to lunch at Station One BBQ in downtown Plainfield and then we took the kids to Bass Pro in Bolingbrook just to bum around and see the huge fish tank and waterfall.
When we got home I cleaned the coop and the kids helped spread new bedding. Then each of them got to help plant a native plum that came in the other day from my Gurneys order. Lastly we hung a bird feeder out front that DS picked out at F&F.
On top of all that, I BOOKED A VACATION!!! We are going to explore the Everglades and the Florida Keys in a few weeks, road tripping there and back. 80+ temps should allow for lots of outdoors activities where we can remain socially distant. I'm really excited to take the kids to swim in the ocean and I think DS is going to freak when he sees gators - he's into dinosaurs right now and they'll be the closest thing he sees to a living dinosaur.
Nice day today. Went to Farm and Fleet. No cocks just yet in the Lockport store, but they are all set up for them. I don't really need any more chickens anyway. Just ducklings and hopefully a few poults this year. After F&F, we went to lunch at Station One BBQ in downtown Plainfield and then we took the kids to Bass Pro in Bolingbrook just to bum around and see the huge fish tank and waterfall.
When we got home I cleaned the coop and the kids helped spread new bedding. Then each of them got to help plant a native plum that came in the other day from my Gurneys order. Lastly we hung a bird feeder out front that DS picked out at F&F.
On top of all that, I BOOKED A VACATION!!! We are going to explore the Everglades and the Florida Keys in a few weeks, road tripping there and back. 80+ temps should allow for lots of outdoors activities where we can remain socially distant. I'm really excited to take the kids to swim in the ocean and I think DS is going to freak when he sees gators - he's into dinosaurs right now and they'll be the closest thing he sees to a living dinosaur.
Vacay sounds like a great time!
I'm to this day creeped out by alligators.
Dyna went across to the Rainbow Bridge.:( Almost made it to 2 years. From Faraday in 2019. No sign of trauma. She was acting normal all along, and not at bottom of pecking order. I'm down to 6 hens now.
Next week they will be going outside coop. I will be considering adopting a pair of hens. I always add in pairs or better.

Collected 3 eggs today. 1 from Wendy, 1 small from (not sure which bantie), and another fart egg. I suspect it came from Lonely, since she is sooooo tiny, I thing that is all she is able to express.:idunno
Lol. True. I do have some mini T-Rexes scratching around back there. He'd be really confused if I told him chickens are dinosaurs. 🤣
Have to time the poult hatching with your vacation return. Unless your chicken tender wants to deal with poults 😂
Last few years they started laying around St Patrick's day for me. So it should work out. Faraday wouldn't mind Loving on poults for a few extra days I'm sure 😘

Anybody else want poults? I usually give Faraday a DZ eggs but she only wants to keep 4... and I have extras that don't sell sometimes
Have to time the poult hatching with your vacation return. Unless your chicken tender wants to deal with poults 😂
Last few years they started laying around St Patrick's day for me. So it should work out. Faraday wouldn't mind Loving on poults for a few extra days I'm sure 😘

Anybody else want poults? I usually give Faraday a DZ eggs but she only wants to keep 4... and I have extras that don't sell sometimes
If the eggs are not set yet, I'll be OK. We will be back for Easter, which is 28 days from today I believe. I believe our ducklings are supposed to come in around the week after Easter as well. It will be nice to have all the rearing done at once.
Dyna went across to the Rainbow Bridge.:( Almost made it to 2 years. From Faraday in 2019. No sign of trauma. She was acting normal all along, and not at bottom of pecking order. I'm down to 6 hens now.
Next week they will be going outside coop. I will be considering adopting a pair of hens. I always add in pairs or better. View attachment 2558968
Collected 3 eggs today. 1 from Wendy, 1 small from (not sure which bantie), and another fart egg. I suspect it came from Lonely, since she is sooooo tiny, I thing that is all she is able to express.:idunno
So sorry for your loss.
If you want more seramas, I'd be happy to help. I'm collecting eggs for the Easter hatch-a-long and could slip a few seramas in there. I will also hatch some Leghorns the 1st week of May. (Eggs purchased vis 4H) Leghorns can't be beat for egg production and are a lighter breed - weigh less than Wendy. Mine are more quirky than skittish.

The small egg is probably from Lonely. Pullet eggs will increase in size, but since she's so small, her eggs may always be your smallest of the day. Do the fairy eggs have yolks?

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