
:lau Fighting toms..... At first I thought tom cat. Wondering if people started being open about eating cat now:gig Took me a second but my brain finally hit the right gear. He was a lucky guy.
Ha I didn't think about that 😸
I have never tried any type of feline or canine ... knowingly anyway lol
No, no, no. No more rain. My pasture around the coop is a muddy sticky nasty swamp!!!! My front yard is underwater. I'll take the snow. At least I can use the sled to haul water out to the coops.

Agreed!!!! I can't handle more rain! Everything is so gross out there. I woke up expecting snow and was disappointed to look out and still see mud.
Still just wind here. When I was cleaning this morning, they were stoked to see the snow gone and ran out of the run to graze and then realized it was all mud and puddles and the wind hit and they all flocked back to the run. Smart birds! My dog, on the other hand, is making me crazy! She likes to go in the run to "supervise" and I didn't want any more mud tracked in there than absolutely necessary so I kept having to kick her out. She was not a fan. Can it be May now???
Still just wind here. When I was cleaning this morning, they were stoked to see the snow gone and ran out of the run to graze and then realized it was all mud and puddles and the wind hit and they all flocked back to the run. Smart birds! My dog, on the other hand, is making me crazy! She likes to go in the run to "supervise" and I didn't want any more mud tracked in there than absolutely necessary so I kept having to kick her out. She was not a fan. Can it be May now???
Yes mine were all out running around looking for goodies
At first I thought tom cat. Wondering if people started being open about eating cat now:gig
no see cat.PNG
To distract me from the grossness that is my yard right now, I am planning for spring. I think I am going to let Millie be a mama because she seems intent on hatching unfertilized eggs as is. I think I'll let her have 4 in case any don't hatch or turn out to be boys. My coop and run can't hold much more than what I already have so I can't let her go crazy. So here's where I am torn.

1) Should I give her hatching eggs and see what happens or let her sit on unfertilized eggs and sneak day old chicks in at night? I feel like the actual sitting/hatching process would be much more fun and scratch her broody itch better, but I am guaranteed a better shot at pullets if I buy day old chicks for her.

2) Can I give her an enclosed nest in the coop with everyone else or do I really need to give her a totally separate space to raise the babies? I don't keep any food or water int he coop, it's all in the run. I was thinking I could just get her a little cozy box, maybe a covered cat box or something, and put it in the coop. But I can't put food and water in there so she'd have to walk the littles to the run for food and water. Is that a no-no? The other hens are terrified of her when she's broody so I think they'd stay away from her chicks.

3) I'm thinking late March to get her started because we'll be gone for Spring break on 3/20-3/25 and I don't want to leave her while I am gone in case something happens. Is mid-April too cold for chicks outside? I've brooded my others in the house before so this will be the first time they are hen-raised outside.

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