
I live between Metamora and Roanoke. Have you looked at the farm on Mennonite Rd just south of the church? They used to sell antiques there I think? Looks like quite a bit of acreage but I have no idea what kind of price they are asking for it. Looks like plenty of room for raising whatever you want and maybe even boarding animals as well?
Hey, hey everybody. I now come from the southern side of Illinois. Carbondale/Murphysboro to be exact. I moved down here a couple month ago for college from Sycamore, IL which is quite up north compared to where I am now.


Don't have any chickens yet but I am looking for some hardy layers in chick form. Slightly older are acceptable too that are healthy and good layers. Not interested in meat.

Chat me up any time and we can talk.
What breed would they happen to be? I am looking into a few specific breeds but it would probably be good for me to start out on something that won't die so easily. TT-TT

Can you tell me some about them? Male? Female? Pets? Aggressive? Flighty or loud? Free-range or confined?
A sturdy breed. Maybe a Brahma or Cornish maybe. I would like to get a couple Ameraucanas if I could. These would be my first chickens so I suppose breed doesn't matter in the fact that I am going to show or use them for meat. Just a good, tame and friendly laying bird. Gender doesn't matter as much either as long as I have just a few hens to lay. I'm also up for some Wyandottes, Australorps, or Orps...

:] Thank you all!

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