
I am still in Rochester, just east of Springfield, and I just finished dancing around the yards with my first egg....been feeding pullets and future roos since March 1st and now I have one egg! Now with 18 pullets I have no idea which one became a hen? Sure it was not Ester the Easter Egger or Lexi the White Leghorn, but out of the Silver Laced Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds, Black Sex-Links and Red Sex-links....I have no idea.....I am thinking either the oldest RIR or Black S-L???? Maybe a Wyandotte?
I think she meant pictures of your girls.
I thought you were having problems finding how which sex is your flock. The egg, nope, unless you got some rare breeds going on in there.
Here are my girls that should be close and have to be the layers or egg #1:





Big Red


Pullets that I think are not ready or not brown layers:






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I go to Waterloo nearly every month. For some reason, Last month they didn't open the gates until like 6:30. :eek:
I had finally gotten up and got there before 6 and then they open late. lol

I don't think getting there at 8 is a good idea. I always sell. I get there around or before 6. And I usually end up leaving at 8. 9 at the latest. After that it's pretty slow.

The sparta swap is only like 15 minutes away from me. But I haven't went to it yet. I might try soon though.

There is always interesting stuff to look at. But I haven't found anything I couldn't live without this year. As a seller I haven't sold more than a couple birds in a few months. With point of lay pullets for $5.
I paid $3 for them as chicks. Still can't sell them. I'll try again in Aug. I hate to think I have to hang onto all these birds for another two months. I got like 50 or more to sell. Nice birds too.

I am known as the rare chicken breeder. lol. I won the local show for the 3rd year in a row a few days ago. The judge was like. 'Is that a real BLRW. I've only seen pictures. Now I can say I have held one.' He gave me his number and even wants to buy some. lol.

If anyone in Southern IL wants more chickens I have plenty to share. lol

Cochins/ Mille Fleur, Mottled, Blue, Black, Splash




Silkies/White, Blue, Black, Splash

Those are all nice birds from breeders

I also have a ton of laying hens that are just hatchery birds. But would make good laying pets. I am just focusing on Brahma, Cochins, BLRW, and Silkies now. So I have all my original birds, and layers that need to go. Orps, Wyandottes, Brahmas

I also sell Registered Kinder Goats if anyone is interested in pet, meat, or dairy goats. I sold every kinder baby this year quickly. They got sent all over the country, to MI, PA, TN, NC. I sell out fast. I have several does bred for this fall. PM for more info or pictures. Great little animals.

Newborn Baby


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