
I am a member of the ALBC (American Livestock Breeders Conservancy ) and so Garfield Farm Museum (Route 38 in La Fox, IL) sent me a flyer last year and again this year trying to get breeders to bring stock to the Farm for displays and education. I'm not a breeder, I just have an interest in preserving old breeds. I didn't get to go either time but hope to next year.
We went, but I was "on call" so I left my family there when I had to go in for a few hours of work, but when I got back to Garfield Farm around 3pm, my family was gone, and the stormy weather was kicking in, with most exhibitors packing up to leave. What I saw before leaving for work, was a nice bunch of exhibitors, most with baby animals. I saw baby button quail too, WOW those are neat. It was my birthday, luckily one of my sons bought me soap from an exhibitor with red hogs, who also makes soap from their lard, its beautiful. There were lots of Java chicken pullets and chicks for sale, DH was talking to some new-to-chickens-people as I left when called in to work.

It was a sorry sight I was, alone at a closing rare breeds event. A nice man sent me home with a bunny.

Now I have an American Chinchilla Rabbit, about 9 weeks old. Surprisingly, DH says "that's an indoor bunny". He has the run of the house while we're home. He pees in his litterbox full of timothy hay and paper pellets. He's a nice little guy. The boys called him Thumper, DH calls him PooPooKitty. I will be needing an angora rabbit now, I think a buck rabbit (they'll both be neutered), so PooPooKitty won't be so lonesome while the boys are in school.
6, Sorry you missed most of the event, but thanks for letting us know what you saw.
on your DH's name for the bunny, too funny!! I'd like to hear what you think of the soap...sounds interesting!
The soap is

I haven't tried to eat it, but it smells like I could. One is colored black with pink roses in it, smells heavenly. One smells like cinnamon buns. One is plain, can't smell a thing but its very poofy for a soap.

Oh I forgot the Naragansett turkeys. My, they're nice. Very elegant and buff-ish for turkeys, but they got it all going on, the beetle green stripes, the pretty blue heads, the pale beige buff-ish colors....

Saw nice geese there, too.
6chickens in St. Charles :

We went, but I was "on call" so I left my family there when I had to go in for a few hours of work, but when I got back to Garfield Farm around 3pm, my family was gone, and the stormy weather was kicking in, with most exhibitors packing up to leave. What I saw before leaving for work, was a nice bunch of exhibitors, most with baby animals. I saw baby button quail too, WOW those are neat. It was my birthday, luckily one of my sons bought me soap from an exhibitor with red hogs, who also makes soap from their lard, its beautiful. There were lots of Java chicken pullets and chicks for sale, DH was talking to some new-to-chickens-people as I left when called in to work.

It was a sorry sight I was, alone at a closing rare breeds event. A nice man sent me home with a bunny.

Now I have an American Chinchilla Rabbit, about 9 weeks old. Surprisingly, DH says "that's an indoor bunny". He has the run of the house while we're home. He pees in his litterbox full of timothy hay and paper pellets. He's a nice little guy. The boys called him Thumper, DH calls him PooPooKitty. I will be needing an angora rabbit now, I think a buck rabbit (they'll both be neutered), so PooPooKitty won't be so lonesome while the boys are in school.

If you neuter 2 bucks they wont fight? My DD has 2 bucks that are about 2 weeks apart. Right now they are in seperate cages cause when together they fight. So if she keeps both she should have both neutered?​
Ducklover, good to meet you, such a quiet, shy BYCer I've ever had the pleasure to meet!

Have fun with your new black Ameraucana hen! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Thank you for giving her a new home, perhaps she is better off with some roosters of her own and make you some nice babies! I sure will miss her, her friendliness before she became broody. I hope the new home would get her to start laying for you soon!
It was very nice meeting you also! Your daughter made me laugh when she said "That hen is mean to MY chickens!" Seems like she's gonna be a chicken person

She's so pretty! She wouldnt eat or drink anything though, but she was pecking around in the quaratine cage a little.
I'm hopeing to order some Ameraucana chicks next year so she will have her own flock to hang out with.
I will keep you updated on her!

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